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Table: gaia_dr2.rrlyrae
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
best_classificationBest RR Lyrae classification estimate out of: {RRC, RRAB, RRD}CHAR
epoch_bpEpoch of the maximum of the light curve in the BP bandDOUBLE
epoch_bp_errorUncertainty on the epoch parameter epochBpDOUBLE
epoch_gEpoch of the maximum of the light curve in the G bandDOUBLE
epoch_g_errorUncertainty on the epoch parameter epochGDOUBLE
epoch_rpEpoch of the maximum of the light curve in the RP bandDOUBLE
epoch_rp_errorUncertainty on the epoch parameter epochRpDOUBLE
g_absorptionInterstellar absorption in the G-bandDOUBLE
g_absorption_errorError on the interstellar absorption in the G-bandDOUBLE
int_average_bpintensity-averaged magnitude in the BP bandDOUBLE
int_average_bp_errorUncertainty on intAverageBp parameterDOUBLE
int_average_gIntensity-averaged magnitude in the G bandDOUBLE
int_average_g_errorUncertainty on intAverageG parameterDOUBLE
int_average_rpintensity-averaged magnitude in the RP bandDOUBLE
int_average_rp_errorUncertainty on intAverageRp parameterDOUBLE
metallicityMetallicity of the star from the Fourier parameters of the light curveDOUBLE
metallicity_errorUncertainty of the metallicity parameterDOUBLE
num_clean_epochs_bpNumber of BP epochs used in the fitting algorithmSMALLINT
num_clean_epochs_gNumber of G FoV epochs used in the fitting algorithmSMALLINT
num_clean_epochs_rpNumber of RP epochs used in the fitting algorithmSMALLINT
p1_oPeriod corresponding to the first overtone pulsation mode (for multi mode pulsators) in the G band time seriesDOUBLE
p1_o_errorUncertainty of the p1O periodDOUBLE
p2_oPeriod corresponding to the second overtone pulsation mode (for multi mode pulsators) in the G band time seriesSMALLINT
p2_o_errorUncertainty of the p2O periodSMALLINT
p3_oPeriod corresponding to the third overtone pulsation mode (for multi mode pulsators) in the G band time seriesSMALLINT
p3_o_errorUncertainty of the p3O periodSMALLINT
peak_to_peak_bpPeak-to-peak amplitude of the BP band light curveDOUBLE
peak_to_peak_bp_errorUncertainty on the peakToPeakBp parameterDOUBLE
peak_to_peak_gPeak-to-peak amplitude of the G band light curveDOUBLE
peak_to_peak_g_errorUncertainty on the peakToPeakG parameterDOUBLE
peak_to_peak_rpPeak-to-peak amplitude of the RP band light curveDOUBLE
peak_to_peak_rp_errorUncertainty on the peakToPeakRp parameterDOUBLE
pfPeriod corresponding to the fundamental pulsation mode (for multi mode pulsators) in the G band time seriesDOUBLE
pf_errorUncertainty of the pf periodDOUBLE
phi21_gFourier decomposition parameter phi21G: phi2 - 2*phi1 (for G band)DOUBLE
phi21_g_errorUncertainty on the phi21G parameter: phi2 - 2*phi1 (for G band)DOUBLE
phi31_gFourier decomposition parameter phi31G: phi3 - 3*phi1 (for G band)DOUBLE
phi31_g_errorUncertainty on the phi31G parameter: phi3 - 3*phi1 (for G band)DOUBLE
r21_gFourier decomposition parameter r21G: A2/A1 (for G band)DOUBLE
r21_g_errorUncertainty on the r21G parameter: A2/A1 (for G band)DOUBLE
r31_gFourier decomposition parameter r31G: A3/A1 (for G band)DOUBLE
r31_g_errorUncertainty on the r31G parameter: A3/A1 (for G band)DOUBLE
solution_idSolution IdentifierBIGINT
source_idUnique source identifierBIGINT