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Table: sdss_dr14.platex
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmassAirmass at central TAI time [from spPlate header]REAL
airtempAir temperature in the dome [from spPlate header]REAL
camversionCamera code version [from spPlate header]CHAR
cartridgeidID of cartridge used for the observation [from spPlate header]SMALLINT
chunkName of tiling chunk [from platelist product]CHAR
cxx of Normal unit vector in J2000DOUBLE
cyy of Normal unit vector in J2000DOUBLE
czz of Normal unit vector in J2000DOUBLE
dateobsDate of 1st row [from spPlate header]CHAR
decDec, J2000 [from spPlate header]DOUBLE
dered_sn1_gDereddened (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]REAL
dered_sn1_iDereddened (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]REAL
dered_sn1_rDereddened (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]REAL
dered_sn2_gDereddened (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]REAL
dered_sn2_iDereddened (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]REAL
dered_sn2_rDereddened (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]REAL
deredsn2Dereddened overall signal to noise measure for plate (only set for BOSS plates)REAL
designcommentsComments on the plate design from plate plans [from platelist product]CHAR
designidDesign number number for SDSS-III plates (-1 for SDSS-I, -II) [from platelist product]INTEGER
elatEcliptic LatitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic LongitudeDOUBLE
exptimeTotal Exposure time [from spPlate header]REAL
exptimeb1exposure time in B1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]REAL
exptimeb2exposure time in B2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]REAL
exptimer1exposure time in R1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]REAL
exptimer2exposure time in R2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]REAL
fbadpixFraction of pixels that are bad (total) [from spPlate header]REAL
fbadpix1Fraction of pixels that are bad (spectrograph #1) [from spPlate header]REAL
fbadpix2Fraction of pixels that are bad (spectrograph #2) [from spPlate header]REAL
firstreleaseName of release that this plate/mjd/rerun was first distributed inCHAR
fmapversionversion of fiber mapping software [from plPlugMapM file]CHAR
fscanmodeslow, fast, or extreme [from plPlugMapM file]CHAR
fscanspeedspeed of scan [from plPlugMapM file]INTEGER
fscanversionversion of fiber scanning software [from plPlugMapM file]CHAR
glatGalactic LatitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic LongitudeDOUBLE
goffgalMean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
goffstdMean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
grmsgalStandard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
grmsstdStandard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
groffgalMean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
groffstdMean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
grrmsgalStandard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
grrmsstdStandard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
hahour angle of design [from plPlugMapM file]REAL
heliorvHeliocentric velocity correction [from spPlate header]REAL
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
instrumentInstrument used (SDSS or BOSS spectrograph)CHAR
ioffgalMean i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
ioffstdMean i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
iopversionIOP Version [from spPlate header]CHAR
irmsgalStandard deviation of i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
irmsstdStandard deviation of i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
isbestis this plateX entry the best observation of the plateSMALLINT
isprimaryis this plateX entry both good and the best observation of the plateSMALLINT
istileis this plate the best representative of its tile (only set for "legacy" program plates)SMALLINT
locationidLocation number number for SDSS-III plates (-1 for SDSS-I, -II) [from platelist product]INTEGER
mapmjdMap MJD [from spPlate header]INTEGER
mapnameID of mapping file [from spPlate header]CHAR
mjdMJD of observation (last)INTEGER
mjddesignMJD designed for [from plPlugMapM file]INTEGER
mjdlistList of contributing MJDs [from spPlate header]CHAR
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
nexpNumber of exposures total [from spPlate header]SMALLINT
nexpb1Number of exposures in B1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]SMALLINT
nexpb2Number of exposures in B2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]SMALLINT
nexpr1Number of exposures in R1 spectrograph [from spPlate header]SMALLINT
nexpr2Number of exposures in R2 spectrograph [from spPlate header]SMALLINT
ngalaxyNumber of objects classified as galaxy [calculated from spZbest file]INTEGER
nguideNumber of guider camera frames taken during the exposure [from spPlate header]INTEGER
nqsoNumber of objects classified as QSO [calculated from spZbest file]INTEGER
nskyNumber of sky objects [calculated from spZbest file]INTEGER
nstarNumber of objects classified as Star [calculated from spZbest file]INTEGER
ntotalNumber of objects total [calculated from spZbest file]INTEGER
nturnoffNumber of MS turnoff stars on plateINTEGER
nunknownNumber of objects with zWarning set non-zero (such objects still classified as star, galaxy or QSO) [calculated from spZbest file]INTEGER
platePlate numberSMALLINT
plateidUnique ID, composite of plate number and MJDBIGINT
platequalityCharacterization of plate qualityCHAR
platerunDrilling run for plate [from platelist product]CHAR
platesn2Overall signal to noise measure for plate (only set for SDSS plates)REAL
plugfileFull name of mapping file [from spPlate header]CHAR
programnameName of program [from platelist product]CHAR
qualitycommentsComments on reason for plate qualityCHAR
raRA, J2000 [from spPlate header]DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
rioffgalMean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
rioffstdMean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
rirmsgalStandard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
rirmsstdStandard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
rmsoff2020th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header]REAL
rmsoff5050th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header]REAL
rmsoff8080th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header]REAL
roffgalMean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
roffstdMean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
rrmsgalStandard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header]REAL
rrmsstdStandard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header]REAL
run1d1D reduction rerun of plateCHAR
run2d2D reduction rerun of plateCHAR
runssppSSPP reduction rerun of plate ("none" if not run)CHAR
seeing2020th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header]REAL
seeing5050th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header]REAL
seeing8080th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header]REAL
sfd_usedWere the SFD dust maps applied to the output spectrum? (0 = no, 1 = yes)SMALLINT
skychi2average chi-squared from sky subtraction from all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL
skychi2maxmaximum skyChi2 over all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL
skychi2minminimum skyChi2 over all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL
sn1_g(S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]REAL
sn1_i(S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]REAL
sn1_r(S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header]REAL
sn2_g(S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]REAL
sn2_i(S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]REAL
sn2_r(S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header]REAL
snturnoffSignal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate)REAL
status1dStatus of 1D reductionsCHAR
status2dStatus of 2D extractionCHAR
statuscombineStatus of combination of multiple MJDsCHAR
surveyName of survey [from platelist product]CHAR
taiMean time (TAI) [from spPlate header]DOUBLE
taibeginBeginning time (TAI) [from spPlate header]DOUBLE
taiendEnding time (TAI) [from spPlate header]DOUBLE
taihmsTime in string format [from spPlate header]CHAR
thetacartridge position angle [from plPlugMapM file]REAL
tileTile number for SDSS-I, -II plates (-1 for SDSS-III) [from platelist product]SMALLINT
timesysTime System [from spPlate header]CHAR
vers1didlspec2d version used during redshift fitting [from spPlate header]CHAR
vers2didlspec2d version used during 2d reduction [from spPlate header]CHAR
verscombidlspec2d version used during combination of multiple exposures [from spPlate header]CHAR
wsigmasigma of gaussian fit to arc-line profiles in wavelength direction [from spPlate header]REAL
wsigmaxmaximum of wSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL
wsigminminimum of wSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL
xchi2[from spPlate header]REAL
xchi2max[from spPlate header]REAL
xchi2min[from spPlate header]REAL
xsigmasigma of gaussian fit to spatial profile[from spPlate header]REAL
xsigmaxmaximum of xSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL
xsigminminimum of xSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header]REAL