Source code for dl.resClient

#!/usr/bin/env python
# RESCLIENT -- Client methods for the Data Lab Resource Management Service

'''Client methods for the Data Lab Resource Management Service.

    Resource Manager
            createUser  (username, password, email, name, institute)
               getUser  (token, username, keyword)
               setUser  (token, username, keyword, value)
            deleteUser  (token, username)
         passwordReset  (token, user, password)
      sendPasswordLink  (token, user)
            listFields  ()

           createGroup  (token, group)
              getGroup  (token, group, keyword)
              setGroup  (token, group, keyword, value)
           deleteGroup  (token, group)

        createResource  (token, resource)
           getResource  (token, resource, keyword)
           setResource  (token, resource, keyword, value)
        deleteResource  (token, resource)

             createJob  (token, jobid, job_type, query=None, task=None)
                getJob  (token, jobid, keyword)
                setJob  (token, jobid, keyword, value)
             deleteJob  (token, jobid)
              findJobs  (token, jobid, format='text', status='all',

           set_svc_url  (svc_url)
           get_svc_url  ()
           set_profile  (profile)
           get_profile  ()
         list_profiles  (token, profile=None, format='text')

Import via

.. code-block:: python

    from dl import resClient

from __future__ import print_function

__authors__ = 'Mike Fitzpatrick <>, Data Lab <>'
__version__ = 'v2.18.7'

import requests
import os
import json

# The URL of the ResManager service to contact.  This may be changed by
# passing a new URL into the set_svc_url() method before beginning.


# The requested service "profile".  A profile refers to the specific
# machines and services used by the ResManager on the server.


# API debug flag.
DEBUG = False

keys = {'user':None,

# ######################################################################
#  Resource Management Client Interface
#  This API provides convenience methods that allow an application to
#  import the Client class without having to explicitly instantiate a
#  class object.  The parameter descriptions and example usage is given
#  in the comments for the class methods. Module methods have their
#  docstrings patched below.
# ######################################################################

[docs]def createUser(username, password, email, name, institute, profile='default'): try: resp = client.createUser(username, password, email, name, institute, profile=profile) except dlResError as e: resp = str(e) return resp
[docs]def deleteUser(token, username, profile='default'): return client.deleteUser(token, username, profile=profile)
[docs]def getUser(token, username, keyword, profile='default'): return client.getUser(token, username, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs]def setUser(token, username, keyword, value, profile='default'): return client.setUser(token, username, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs]def passwordReset(token, user, password, profile='default'): return client.passwordReset(token, user, password, profile=profile)
[docs]def listFields(profile='default'): return client.listFields(profile=profile)
# Group functions
[docs]def createGroup(token, group, profile='default'): return client.createGroup(token, group, profile=profile)
[docs]def getGroup(token, group, keyword, profile='default'): return client.getGroup(token, group, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs]def setGroup(token, group, keyword, value, profile='default'): return client.setGroup(token, group, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs]def deleteGroup(token, group, profile='default'): return client.deleeteGroup(token, group, profile=profile)
# Resource functions
[docs]def createResource(token, resource, profile='default'): return client.createResource(token, resource, profile=profile)
[docs]def getResource(token, resource, keyword, profile='default'): return client.getResource(token, resource, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs]def setResource(token, resource, keyword, value, profile='default'): return client.setResource(token, resource, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs]def deleteResource(token, resource, profile='default'): return client.deleteResource(token, resource, profile=profile)
# Job functions
[docs]def createJob(token, jobid, job_type, query=None, task=None, profile='default'): return client.createJob(token, jobid, job_type, query=query, task=task, profile=profile)
[docs]def getJob(token, jobid, keyword, profile='default'): return client.getJob(token, jobid, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs]def setJob(token, jobid, keyword, value, profile='default'): return client.setJob(token, jobid, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs]def deleteJob(token, jobid, profile='default'): return client.deleteJob(token, jobid, profile=profile)
[docs]def findJobs(token, jobid, format='text', status='all', option='list'): return client.findJobs(token, jobid, format=format, status=status, option=option)
# Service methods
[docs]def set_svc_url(svc_url): return client.set_svc_url(svc_url.strip('/'))
[docs]def get_svc_url(): return client.get_svc_url()
[docs]def set_profile(profile): return client.set_profile(profile)
[docs]def get_profile(): return client.get_profile()
[docs]def list_profiles(token, profile=None, format='text'): return client.list_profiles(token, profile, format)
# ################################### # Resource Management error class # ###################################
[docs]class dlResError(Exception): '''A throwable error class. ''' def __init__(self, message): self.message = message def __str__(self): return self.message
##################################### # Resource Management client procedures #####################################
[docs]class resClient(object): ''' RESCLIENT -- Client-side methods to access the Data Lab Resource Management Service. ''' def __init__(self): '''Initialize the Resource Manager client. ''' self.svc_url = DEF_SERVICE_URL # service URL self.svc_profile = DEF_SERVICE_PROFILE # service prfile self.auth_token = None # Get the $HOME/.datalab directory. self.home = '%s/.datalab' % os.path.expanduser('~') self.debug = DEBUG # interface debug flag
[docs] def set_svc_url(self, svc_url): '''Set the URL of the Resource Management Service to be used. Parameters ---------- svc_url : str Resource Management service base URL to call. Returns ------- Nothing Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient resClient.client.set_svc_url("http://localhost:7001/") ''' self.svc_url = svc_url.strip('/')
[docs] def get_svc_url(self): '''Return the currently-used Resource Management Service URL. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- service_url : str The currently-used Resource Management Service URL. Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient service_url = resClient.client.get_svc_url() ''' return self.svc_url
[docs] def set_profile(self, profile): '''Set the requested service profile. Parameters ---------- profile : str Requested service profile string. Returns ------- Nothing Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient token = resClient.client.set_profile("dev") ''' self.svc_profile = profile
[docs] def get_profile(self): '''Get the requested service profile. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- profile : str The currently requested service profile. Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient profile = resClient.client.get_profile() ''' return self.svc_profile
[docs] def list_profiles(self, token, profile=None, format='text'): '''List the service profiles which can be accessed by the user. Returns ------- profiles : JSON string Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient profiles = resClient.client.list_profiles(token, profile, format) ''' pass
[docs] def isAlive(self, svc_url): '''Check whether the ResManager service at the given URL is alive and responding. This is a simple call to the root service URL or ping() method. Parameters ---------- svc_url : str Resource Management service base URL to call. Returns ------- Nothing Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient resClient.client.set_svc_url("http://localhost:7001/") ''' try: r = requests.get(svc_url) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: return False else: return True
################################################### # USER MANAGEMENT ###################################################
[docs] def createUser(self, username, password, email, name, institute, profile='default'): '''Create a new user in the system. Parameters ---------- username : str Account username password : str Account password email : str User's contact email address name : str User's full name institute : str User's home institution Returns ------- Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + "/create?what=user&" query_args = {"username" : username, "password" : password, "email" : email, "name" : name, "institute" : institute, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} try: headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': self.auth_token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) except Exception as e: raise dlResError("raise Error creating user '" + username + "' : " + str(e.message) + "'") else: if self.debug: print('r.text = ' + str(r.text)) print('code = ' + str(r.status_code)) response = r.text return response
[docs] def getUser(self, username, keyword, profile='default'): '''Read info about a user in the system. Parameters ---------- username : str User name keyword : str User record field to be set Returns ------- Nothing Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient resClient.client.set_svc_url("http://localhost:7001/") ''' return self.clientRead(token, "user", username, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs] def setUser(self, username, keyword, value, profile='default'): '''Update info about a user in the system. Parameters ---------- username : str User name keyword : str User record field to be set value : str Value of field to set Returns ------- Service response ''' return self.clientUpdate(token, "user", username, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs] def deleteUser(self, token, username, profile='default'): '''Delete a user in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token. username : str Name of user to be deleted. Returns ------- Service response ''' query_args = {"username" : username, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} return self.clientDelete(token, "user", query_args)
################################### # Account Admin Methods ###################################
[docs] def svcGet(self, token, url): '''Utility method to call a Resource Manager service. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token url : str URL to call with HTTP/GET Returns ------- Service response ''' try: if self.debug: print("url = '" + url + "'") # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code == 302: return "OK" elif r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception as e: raise dlResError(str(e)) return response
[docs] def passwordReset(self, token, user, password, profile='default'): '''Change a user's password. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token user : str User account name. Token must match the user or root token. password : str New password Returns ------- Nothing Example ------- .. code-block:: python from dl import resClient resClient.client.set_svc_url("http://localhost:7001/") ''' url = self.svc_url + ("/pwReset?user=%s&password=%s&profile=%s" % (user,password,profile)) try: resp = self.svcGet(token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) else: # Service call was successful. print("passwordReset: success, removing local token file") tok_file = ('%s/id_token.%s' % (self.home, user)) if os.path.exists(tok_file): os.remove(tok_file)
[docs] def listFields(self, profile='default'): '''List available user fields. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + ("/listFields?profile=%s" % profile) try: return self.svcGet(self.auth_token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) pass
[docs] def approveUser(self, token, user, profile='default'): '''Approve a pending user request. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token user : str User account to approve. Token must have authority to manage users. Returns ------- Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + "/approveUser?approve=True&user=%s&profile=%s" % (user,profile) try: return self.svcGet(token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e))
[docs] def disapproveUser(self, token, user, profile='default'): '''Disapprove a pending user request. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token user : str User account to decline. Token must have authority to manage users. Returns ------- Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + "/approveUser?approve=False&user=%s&profile=%s" % (user,profile) try: return self.svcGet(token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e))
[docs] def userRecord(self, token, user, value, format, profile='default'): '''Get a value from the User record. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token user : str User account name to retrieve. Token must match the use name or be a root token to access other records value : str Value to retrieve. The special 'all' value will return all fields accessible to the token. format : str 'text' for a single value, or 'json' for a complete record Returns ------- User record ''' url = self.svc_url + \ ("/userRecord?user=%s&value=%s&fmt=%s&profile=%s" % (user,value,format,profile)) try: resp = self.svcGet(token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) else: return resp return "OK"
[docs] def listPending(self, token, verbose=False, profile='default'): '''List all pending user accounts. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token verbose : bool Return verbose listing? Returns ------- List of use accounts pending approval ''' url = self.svc_url + "/pending?verbose=%s&profile=%s" % (str(verbose),profile) try: resp = self.svcGet(token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) else: return resp return "OK"
[docs] def setField(self, token, user, field, value, profile='default'): '''Set a specific user record field Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token user : str User name to modify. If None then identity is take from token, a root token is required to modify other users. field : str Record field to be set value : str Field value Returns ------- 'OK' is field was set, else a service error message. ''' url = self.svc_url + "/setField?user=%s&field=%s&value=%s&profile=%s" % (user, field, value, profile) try: resp = self.svcGet(token, url) except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) else: return resp return "OK"
################################################### # GROUP MANAGEMENT ###################################################
[docs] def createGroup(self, token, group, profile='default'): '''Create a new Group in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token group : str Group name to create Returns ------- resp : str Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + "/create?what=group&" query_args = {"group" : group, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} try: if self.debug: print("createGroup: " + group) # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': self.auth_token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) else: pass return response
[docs] def getGroup(self, token, group, keyword, profile='default'): '''Read info about a Group in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token group : str Group name to create keyword : str Group record field to retrieve Returns ------- value : str Value of record field ''' return self.clientRead(token, "group", group, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs] def setGroup(self, token, group, keyword, value, profile='default'): '''Update info about a Group in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token group : str Group name to create keyword : str Group record field to be set value : str Value of field to set Returns ------- ''' return self.clientUpdate(token, "group", group, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs] def deleteGroup(self, token, group, profile='default'): '''Delete a Group in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token. group : str Name of Group to be deleted. The token must identify the owner of the Group to be deleted. Returns ------- ''' query_args = {"group" : group, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} return self.clientDelete(token, "group", query_args, profile=profile)
################################################### # RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ###################################################
[docs] def createResource(self, token, resource, profile='default'): '''Create a new Resource in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token resource : str Resource URI to create Returns ------- resp : str Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + "/create?what=resource&" query_args = {"resource" : resource, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} try: if self.debug: print("createResource: " + resource) # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': self.auth_token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) else: pass return response
[docs] def getResource(self, token, resource, keyword, profile='default'): '''Read info about a Resource in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token resource : str Resource URI to create keyword : str Resource record to retrieve Returns ------- value : str Resource record value ''' return self.clientRead(token, "resource", resource, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs] def setResource(self, token, resource, keyword, value, profile='default'): '''Update info about a Resource in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token resource : str Resource URI to create keyword : str Resource record field to be set value : str Value of field to set Returns ------- status : str 'OK' if record was set ''' return self.clientUpdate(token, "resource", resource, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs] def deleteResource(self, token, resource, profile='default'): '''Delete a Resource in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token. The token must identify the owner of the Resource to be deleted. resource : str Name of Resource to be deleted. The token must identify the owner of the Group to be deleted. Returns ------- ''' query_args = {"resource" : resource, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} return self.clientDelete(token, "resource", query_args)
################################################### # JOB MANAGEMENT ###################################################
[docs] def createJob(self, token, jobid, job_type, query=None, task=None, profile='default'): '''Create a new Job record in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token jobid : str Job ID to create type : str Type of job: currently only 'query' or 'compute' query : str If 'type' is 'query', the SQL/ADQL query string task : str If 'type' is 'compute', the name of the task being run Returns ------- resp : str Service response ''' url = self.svc_url + "/create?what=job&" query_args = {"jobid" : jobid, "type" : job_type, "query" : query, "task" : task, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} try: if self.debug: print("createJob: " + jobid) # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) else: pass return response
[docs] def getJob(self, token, jobid, keyword, profile='default'): '''Read info about a Job in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token jobid : str Job ID to create keyword : str Job record to retrieve Returns ------- value : str Job record value ''' return self.clientRead(token, "job", jobid, keyword, profile=profile)
[docs] def setJob(self, token, jobid, keyword, value, profile='default'): '''Update info about a Job in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token jobid : str Job ID to create keyword : str Job record field to be set value : str Value of field to set Returns ------- status : str 'OK' if record was set ''' return self.clientUpdate(token, "job", jobid, keyword, value, profile=profile)
[docs] def deleteJob(self, token, jobid, profile='default'): '''Delete a Job in the system. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token. The token must identify the owner of the Job to be deleted. jobid : str ID of Job to be deleted. The token must identify the owner of the Job to be deleted. Returns ------- ''' query_args = {"jobid" : jobid, "profile" : (profile if profile != 'default' else self.svc_profile), "debug" : self.debug} return self.clientDelete(token, "job", query_args)
[docs] def findJobs(self, token, jobid, format='text', status='all', option='list'): '''Find job records. If jobid is None or '*', all records for the user identified by the token are returned, otherwise the specific job record is returned. Parameters ---------- token : str User identity token. The token must identify the owner of the Job to be deleted. jobid : str Job ID to match. format : str Output format: 'text' or 'json' status : str Job phase status to match. Default to 'all' but may be one of EXECUTING, COMPLETED, ERROR, ABORT or WAITING. option : str Processing option: 'list' will return a listing of the matching records in the format specified by 'format'; 'delete' will delete all matching records from the server except for EXECUTING jobs. Returns ------- A JSON string of Job records matching the user or jobid. ''' url = self.svc_url + "/findJobs" query_args = {"jobid" : jobid, "format" : format, "status" : status, "option" : option, "profile" : self.svc_profile, "debug" : self.debug} try: # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = str(r.text) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) if format == 'json': try: jstr_ = response.replace("'",'"')[1:-1] jstr = json.loads(jstr_) except Exception as e: raise dlResError(str(e)) return jstr else: return response
################################################### # PRIVATE UTILITY METHODS ###################################################
[docs] def debug(self, debug_val): '''Set the debug flag. ''' self.debug = debug_val
[docs] def retBoolValue(self, url): '''Utility method to call a boolean service at the given URL. ''' try: # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError("Invalid user") else: return response
[docs] def clientRead(self, token, what, key, keyword, profile='default'): '''Generic method to call a /get service. ''' url = self.svc_url + "/get?what=" + what #+ "&" _key = keys[what] query_args = {_key : key, "keyword" : keyword, "profile" : self.svc_profile, "debug" : self.debug} try: if self.debug: print("get" + what + ": url = '" + url + "'") # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) else: pass return response
[docs] def clientUpdate(self, token, what, key, keyword, value, profile='default'): '''Generic method to call a /set service. ''' url = self.svc_url + "/set?what=" + what #+ "&" _key = keys[what] query_args = {_key : key, "keyword" : keyword, "value" : value, "profile" : self.svc_profile, "debug" : self.debug} try: if self.debug: print("set" + what + ": url = '" + url + "'") # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) else: pass return response
[docs] def clientDelete(self, token, what, query_args): '''Generic method to call a /delete service. ''' url = self.svc_url + "/delete?what=" + what + "&" try: if self.debug: print("delete" + what + ": url = '" + url + "'") # Add the auth token to the request header. headers = {'X-DL-AuthToken': token} r = requests.get(url, params=query_args, headers=headers) response = r.text if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception(r.text) except Exception: raise dlResError(response) else: pass return response
# ################################### # Resource Management Client Handles # ###################################
[docs]def getClient(): return resClient()
client = getClient() # ########################################## # Patch the docstrings for module functions # ########################################## createUser.__doc__ = client.createUser.__doc__ deleteUser.__doc__ = client.deleteUser.__doc__ getUser.__doc__ = client.getUser.__doc__ setUser.__doc__ = client.setUser.__doc__ passwordReset.__doc__ = client.passwordReset.__doc__ sendPasswordLink.__doc__ = client.sendPasswordLink.__doc__ listFields.__doc__ = client.listFields.__doc__ createGroup.__doc__ = client.createGroup.__doc__ getGroup.__doc__ = client.getGroup.__doc__ setGroup.__doc__ = client.setGroup.__doc__ deleteGroup.__doc__ = client.deleteGroup.__doc__ createResource.__doc__ = client.createResource.__doc__ getResource.__doc__ = client.getResource.__doc__ setResource.__doc__ = client.setResource.__doc__ deleteResource.__doc__ = client.deleteResource.__doc__ set_svc_url.__doc__ = client.set_svc_url.__doc__ get_svc_url.__doc__ = client.get_svc_url.__doc__ set_profile.__doc__ = client.set_profile.__doc__ get_profile.__doc__ = client.get_profile.__doc__ list_profiles.__doc__ = client.list_profiles.__doc__