Section author: Robert Nikutta <>

Version: 20230829

1.6.3. Store Client Overview

The Store Client provides functions to interact with the Data Lab virtual storage system (VOSpace), e.g. creating directories, copying files into and out of the storage system, etc. Much of its functionality is described in the default Data Lab Jupyter notebook on the Store Client.

There are several unix-like commands for manipulating files in VOSpace:

> from dl import storeClient as sc

Help on module dl.storeClient in dl:



    Client methods for the DataLab Storage Manager Service.

    Storage Manager Client Interface:

    get     - Retrieve a file.
    put     - Upload a file.
    load    - Load a file to VOSpace.
    cp      - Copy a file/directory.
    ls      - Get a file/directory listing.
    access  - Determine file accessibility.
    stat    - File status info.
    mkdir   - Create a directory.
    mv      - Move/rename a file/directory.
    rm      - Delete a file.
    rmdir   - Delete a directory. Virtual Storage

There are several unix-like commands for manipulating files in VOSpace: ls, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, and ln.

> from dl import storeClient as sc
> print(

You can easily copy files from your local file system to VOSpace or vice versa with the put and get commands.

# Copy a file to VOSpace
> from dl import storeClient as sc
> sc.put('test1.fits', 'vos://')
(1 / 1) test1.fits -> vos://test1.fits

# Get a file from VOSpace
> sc.get('vos://test1.fits', 'localtest1.fits')
(1/1) [====================] [ 163.1K] test1.fits

It’s easy to load data into python from a local file or a file in VOSpace using the load command.

# Load file vos://output.fits into a pandas data frame
> df = sc.load('vos://test10.fits', fmt='pandas')
> type(df)

# Load the FITS image file im1.fits
> im,head = sc.load('vos://im1.fits')