.. index:: single: catalog pair: table access protocol; TAP pair: simple cone search; SCS .. sectionauthor:: Robert Nikutta , Mike Fitzpatrick .. _sec_CatalogDataAccessTAPSCS: ***************************** Catalog Data Access (TAP/SCS) ***************************** .. contents:: :local: IVOA service definitions ======================== +---------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Acronym | Service | Latest definition | +=========+=======================+======================================================+ | TAP | Table Access Protocol | http://www.ivoa.net/documents/TAP/ | +---------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | SCS | Simple Cone Search | http://www.ivoa.net/documents/latest/ConeSearch.html | +---------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ Table Access Protocol (TAP) =========================== The Table Access Protocol (TAP) is an IVOA standard developed to enable services to access tabular data (even remote ones), including e.g. astronomical catalogs. The definition of the protocol can be found at http://www.ivoa.net/documents/TAP/ Data Lab exposes a TAP service endpoint, i.e. you can point any TAP-aware software to that endpoint and gain immediate access to the catalog holdings at Data Lab. The Data Lab TAP service URL is: https://datalab.noirlab.edu/tap Example: TAP usage with TOPCAT ============================== TOPCAT (Taylor 2005, [1]_) is a desktop application popular among astronomers to access remote databases using the TAP protocol. Here we demonstrate the few steps necessary to tell your TOPCAT how to access the Data Lab TAP service. Install and launch TOPCAT ------------------------- Get TOPCAT from http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/ and follow the installation instructions there. When installed, you can launch TOPCAT from the installation directory via .. code-block:: bash cd topcatdir/ ./topcat This will launch the TOPCAT root window: .. figure:: topcat_root.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Topcat root window Tell TOPCAT where to find Data Lab's TAP service ------------------------------------------------ You can set the TAP service URL in TOPCAT's `VO-->TAP` menu .. figure:: topcat_vo.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Topcat VO menu A new window will open. At the very bottom of that window, in the `Selected TAP Service` field, type or paste the Data Lab TAP service endpoint ``https://datalab.noirlab.edu/tap``, and click the `Use Service` button. .. figure:: topcat_selecttap.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Topcat select TAP service The view will change to the `Use Service` tab, and the left menu bar will display all catalogs currently held at Data Lab: .. figure:: topcat_usetap.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Topcat use TAP service Browse the data holdings in Data Lab ------------------------------------ Double-click on any of the database schema listed in the left-hand panel to expand a tree of all tables in that schema. A simple click on any of the tables in a schema brings up information about that table in the right-hand panel. In the example below, the `Columns` tab shows the names, data types, descriptions, etc., of all columns in the ``objects`` table in the ``smash_dr1`` database schema. .. figure:: topcat_smashobjectcolumns.png :scale: 100 % :alt: SMASH column view Simple Cone Search (SCS) protocol ================================= From the protocol definition document: http://www.ivoa.net/documents/latest/ConeSearch.html "This specification defines a simple query protocol for retrieving records from a catalog of astronomical sources. The query describes sky position and an angular distance, defining a cone on the sky. The response returns a list of astronomical sources from the catalog whose positions lie within the cone, formatted as a VOTable." Example: SCS usage with TOPCAT ============================== A cone search can be performed with TOPCAT, using the `VO-->Cone Search` menu: .. figure:: topcat_conemenu.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Topcat cone search menu A new window dialog will open. In the `Cone Parameters` panel, enter the defined cone search service endpoint in the `Cone URL` field (the example below uses ``http://datalab.noirlab.edu/scs/ls_dr4/tractor`` to query the `Legacy Surveys `_ Data Release 4 catalog). .. figure:: topcat_conesearch.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Topcat cone search In the `RA` and `Dec` fields enter the center point of the search cone, and in the `Radius` field the search radius around the (RA,Dec) center position. .. todo:: Describe how to obtain a list of all defined cone searches once the bugs are ironed out. References ========== .. [1] Taylor, M.B. (2005, ASPC 347, 29) "TOPCAT & STIL: Starlink Table/VOTable Processing Software": http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005ASPC..347...29T