The DES DR2 single-epoch images have their own SIA service called 'des_dr2_se'. For example, to query the service you might do something like:
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from pyvo.dal import sia
DEF_ACCESS_URL = "" # DES DR2 Single-epoch SIA service URL
svc = sia.SIAService(DEF_ACCESS_URL)
ra, dec = 73.4708333, -50.3763611
# 4amin search, g-band images
imgTable =,dec), (Angle(4 * u.arcmin), Angle(4 * u.arcmin)),verbosity=0).to_table()
onlyImage = imgTable[(imgTable['prodtype']=='image') & \
((imgTable['obs_bandpass'] == 'g DECam SDSS c0001 4720.0 1520.0'))].to_pandas()
I dont believe we have the PSFEx models, certainly not for the SE images.
The DES DR2 coadds can be accessed using the SIA service at:
Both the DR2 coadds and SE image files are also available from our file service which can be accessed using the command-line client or the Python API. For example,
from dl import storeClient as sc
will list the contents of the DR2 SE directory. See the HowTo notebook on using the file service in the 'notebooks-latest' folder on the Jupyter notebook server.
Hope this helps, please let us know if you still have questions.