Hi Helpdesk,
I'm still very new with ADQL queries and haven't done anything fancy with it until now.
I'm trying a crossmatch between VHS DR5 and CatWISE but TOPCAT always throws and error ("IllegalArgumentException:net.sf.jsqlparser.JSQLParserException"). I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if this is at all possible.
I've adapted a query which I've found on the GAIA website so this might be a reason for error. It looks like this:
SELECT ra, dec, w1mpro, w2mpro, pmra, pmdec, japermag3
FROM catwise2020.main AS c
JOIN vhs_dr5.vhs_cat_v3 AS v
POINT('ICRS', v.ra2000, v.dec2000),
CIRCLE('ICRS', c.ra, c.dec, 5./3600.))
WHERE abs(v.b)>=8
AND (v.mergedclass=-1 OR v.mergedclass=-2)
AND v.japermag3>=19
AND v.japermag3-c.w2mpro>=2
AND sqrt(power(c.pmra,2)+power(c.pmdec,2))>=0.15
AND (c.w1snr>=8.5 OR c.w2snr>=8.5)
Is there an obvious problem with the query?