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If I set up an async query the https://datalab.noirlab.edu/tap/async/xxx/results/result URL sends me via several (3) redirects before I get to the actual VOTable result.  I would cut and paste the result here of "curl -s -L -D -o /dev/null https://datalab.noirlab.edu/tap/asyc/xxx/results/result" but this web form doesn't let me cut and paste from my desktop.  But the first redirect is from an HTTPS-protocol URL to an HTTP-protocol one.  That is in principle not secure, and the TOPCAT TAP client refuses therefore to follow such redirects.  That means that TOPCAT can't make async queries to datalab.  Could the redirect chain be fixed so that no HTTPS->HTTP redirects are involved?
by | 151 views

1 Answer

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Hi Mark,

Thanks for the message.  I've removed the various redirects, setup everything to use just HTTPS and verified that TOPCAT can now run async queries.  Please let us know if you still find problems.


by datalab (20.7k points)

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