Thanks for reaching out. I ran your exact code snippet under my account and the file transfer worked correctly...
Can you please check a few things:
- That the 'minus' sign in the file name is actually '-'? (sometimes, when for instance copy-pasting from a PDF, these characters might be looking the same, but aren't.
- This shouldn't matter, but for good measure: could you please try to log out and log in again, and also try to get a new token in the Jupyter notebook via:
from getpass import getpass
from dl import authClient as ac
token = ac.login(input("User name [+ENTER]: ), getpass("Password [+ENTER]: "))
Then try storeClient.get() again.
Please note that we know of one current bug that throws the "invalid URL" error when a file name has a '+' sign in it. We expect a fix very shortly.
Please let us know if your current problem was solved by the recommended steps. We will continue to help if it hasn't solved it.