This is Huanian. I have created a database and there is a table there. But when I do the query test, it said the table does not exist. See below for the description.
print (qc.mydb_list('NearbyGalaxy')) # Use of the 'mydb://' prefix is optional
print (qc.mydb_list('mydb://NearbyGalaxy'))
ra,double precision,
dec,double precision,
zgal,double precision,
mag_g,double precision,
mag_r,double precision,
mag_z,double precision,
r50,double precision,
devab_r,double precision,
df1=convert(qc.query(sql="select * from mydb://NearbyGalaxy"))
queryClientError: Error: QM: MyDB table nearbygalaxy does not exist
I have no idea why that happens, since it worked very well last year.