Hello, I am finding the documentation for the lsst_sim.simdr2_binary table might be incorrect in some places. In particular, the orbital period of the binaries says it is in days, but a quick check using Kepler's law shows the period is probably in years instead (there is a factor of 365^2 needed to make the LHS and RHS of Kepler's law match). I attach below a python snippet that does this check:
from dl import queryClient as qc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#Query binaries
sql = '''SELECT a, p, c1_mass, c2_mass FROM lsst_sim.simdr2_binary where random_id < 0.01'''
df = qc.query(sql=sql,fmt='pandas')
a = df['a'].values * 6.957e+8 #From Rsun to metres
T = df['p'].values * 24 * 3600 #From days to seconds
G = 6.67e-11 #In SI units
M = df['c1_mass'].values * 1.989e30 #From Msun to Kg
m = df['c2_mass'].values * 1.989e30 #From Msun to Kg
#LHS and RHS of kepler's law
LHS = a**3/T**2
RHS = G*(M + m)/(4*np.pi**2)
#show ratios
#If difference is entirely due to units in T:
#If difference is entirely due to units in a:
So either the period is off by factor of 365 or the semi-major axis is off by factor of 51. So to me it appeared the orbital period units were in years while the documentation says it is in days.