Again sorry for answering late. Just like NOIRlab most recently, I had a hard disk failure and had to deal with a lot of issues.
> … you are working on the Data Lab notebook server? Then '/tmp/' is not your directory (mind the leading slash sign).
I'm not sure what exactly that means or how to answer that. In fact my home OS was Ubuntu 20.04 and now is Manjaro Linux. When 'working on the Data Lab notebook server' means having a Firefox browser session open in JupyterLab ( then 'yes'. Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean with 'on the Data Lab notebook server'
The leading slash was correct since I really uploaded my local .csv file into the /tmp/ directory on my local harddisk. When it didn't work, I also tried to upload it from my local home directory at '/home/username'. Upload didn't work either.
The code I tried is noted at in the section 'Vospace' labeled 'Copy files to VOspace (sc.put)' and basically the one pasted in the first post. When I try to run it with Ctrl+Return it returns 'OK' but doesn't seem to upload.
Let's say a file 'test.csv' is saved in my local home directory (the machine sitting under my desk) at '/home/username'. What would the 'fr=' part have to look like?