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Am working in the jupyter lab space, have uploaded a file to the jupyter space called test.csv. It is formatted correctly and the path from /notebooks (the cwd) is ../test.csv

Following from the instructions in the HowTo notebook, I use the following line

qc.mydb_import('jamcoords', path)

to try and create a table in MyDB called jamcoords using the .csv file found at path.

I get the error:

Error importing MyDB table: relation "mydb.jamcoords" does not exist

I am logged in and authenticated correctly (I checked this by seeing if I could move the file to the VOSpace).

I must be missing something here?? I have also checked I can create a table in MyDB from a query, and that works and appears in the list of mydb tables.
by stirfryannie (120 points) | 180 views

2 Answers

0 votes

Hi stirfryannie,

I see a jamcoords table already present in your mydb database.

if you do a

from dl import queryClient as qc

res = qc.mydb_list()


the jamcoords table will be listed

If you want to reuse the table name you'll need to drop it first with:


Please let us know what you find?

Thank you,


by isuarezsola (890 points)
0 votes

Hi stirfryannie,

I see a jamcoords table already present in your mydb database.

If you do a 

from dl import queryClient as qc
res = qc.mydb_list()

the jamcoords table should be listed.

You can drop that table by running


or of course you could use a different table name

Please let us know what you find?




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