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Hi, I currently have a catalog of galaxy parameters that I obtained from the des_dr1.galaxies table. I thought that I would be able to use the coadd_object_id to match each object to the des_dr1.photo_z table, but apparently the coadd_objects_id in that table is different since none of my objects match. I am therefore trying to use the website's crossmatch service with the alphawin_J2000 (RA) and deltawin_J2000 (DEC) from des_dr1.galaxies to crossmatch with des_dr1.photo_z to obtain a photometric redshift for each galaxy. For some reason, the des_dr1.photo_z table never appears as an option in the dropdown menu when I select des_dr1 as the target table however. As noted in the title, only the des_dr1.{main, magnitude, flux} tables appear. Am I doing something wrong, or has this changed recently? Additionally, is this the best approach to take to obtain the redshifts here, or is there some other metric I should be using to crossmatch? Thanks!
by acesword (120 points) | 45 views

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