0 votes
Of the des_dr2 tables, the only one currently missing seems to be tile_info. Which is available for des_dr1

I can't seem to find another public repository for that particular data. Are there plans to include it here?

Thank you
by | 134 views

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Lucas,

The NCSA did not provide us with the tile_info table when we first ingested the other 4 DES DR2 tables a few years ago. If you know of a location where we can get the files associated with the tile_info table, we'd be happy to look into adding it to our DES DR2 schema!
by ajacques (820 points)
Hi Lucas, we heard today back from the DES team; the tile_info table from DR1 is unchanged in DR2. You should be able to use it as-is.

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