Thanks for reaching out. We are unable to reproduce the behavior you are reporting. We tried with at least three different TOPCAT versions: 4.6, 4.8, 4.10, all showing the result of this query correctly:
SELECT top 5 pts_key, obsjd, magpsf FROM pgir_dr1.photometry
I.e., we don't see a tickbox in the TOPCAT result table. And the tickbox in the browser preview is just a checkbox before the pts_key values. It is not part of the table itself.
If you could send us (to some screenshots of the observed behavior, and write down the steps you take that lead to the observed behavior, that would be great. Please also mention which browser you are using.
Regarding your comment about "not robot" process: you can avoid this by ensuring that you have logged on into your Data Lab account on the website.
Best regards,
Robert for the DL team