Hi Blair,
Do you mean "Use service"? I'm afraid I cannot reproduce the error, if I enter "
http://datalab.noao.edu/tap" in the TAP URL box and click Use service, I get the list of our tables.
Was your plan to query the DES catalog through datalab TAP service, transfer the results, and do the crossmatch locally?
Note that you can do a crossmatch through Data Lab by uploading your catalog to mydb and then running a crossmatch query. But this would need to be done through Python as an authenticated user, we don't yet have anonymous TAP upload. If you want to do this, login to Data Lab and launch the Jupyter notebook server, your notebooks directory should contain an example of running crossmatches in the HowTos folder. If you can't find it, you may need to copy the latest notebook set. To do this, open a Terminal window through the Jupyter interface and type 'getlatest' at the prompt.