Hi, with the minimal example below I can not reproduce the error that you report:
from dl import authClient as ac, queryClient as qc
from dl.helpers.utils import convert
token = ac.login('anonymous')
query = 'SELECT coadd_object_id, ra, dec, w1mpro, w2mpro FROM des_dr1.des_allwise WHERE w2mpro < 15.6 AND 0.2 < (w1mpro - w2mpro)'
result = qc.query(token,query)
df = convert(result,'pandas')
This prints:
coadd_object_id ra dec w1mpro w2mpro
0 365874111 53.835287 -23.136150 15.419 15.215
1 365872277 53.837476 -23.102668 15.153 14.936
2 369433639 53.886171 -23.210287 16.364 15.481
3 365875473 53.854954 -23.162378 15.412 15.095
4 369436438 53.943101 -23.238697 15.632 15.359
Would you mind pasting here your minimal example? Thanks!