0 votes
I have tried the TAP service. However, due to the limitation of the server, I have to split a large query into many small pieces and it gonna take quite some time to run all those queries. Especially, even for the same query, sometimes it succeed, sometimes it failed. It would be great if each table of smash dr2 can be directly downloaded as a compressed file.
by | 232 views

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi there,

Apologies for the delayed reply!  The files will be available soon, we're putting these in a file collection available either through FTP or through a file service accessible via the Data Lab Storage Manager.  Will post a reply when it's ready.

Cheers, Knut
by knutago (180 points)
0 votes
Hello original poster, the file is ready. Please send us an email to datalab@noao.edu and indicate your datalab user name. We'll reply with instructions. Thanks!

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