Hi, thanks for reaching out.
Re your first issue:
Could you please post here the exact SIA query you are trying, i.e. at least these lines:
DEF_ACCESS_URL = "https://datalab.noao.edu/sia/coadd_ls_dr7" # Legacy Survey DR7 stacks
svc = sia.SIAService(DEF_ACCESS_URL)
fov = 0.1 # in degrees
ra, dec = 16.632, -1.114
imgTable = svc.search((ra,dec), (fov/np.cos(dec*np.pi/180), fov), verbosity=2).to_table()
where you replace with your values the DEF_ACCESS_URL, fov, ra, dec.
I tried your coordinates (ra, dec = 16.632, -1.114) on our web version of the cutout service, with fov=0.1, and I do get rectangular (i.e. not square) images. This is usually the case when the FOV is larger than the distance of (ra,dec) from an image edge. We currently do not force the resulting image to be square (and for instance zero-padded). Please also see
on this issue.
Re the 0.24 deg offset issue: can you please provide a few ra/dec pairs, plus the FOV, that give you this offset?
Many thanks!
Robert for the DL team