I got another error, which I also do not quite get it. It is strange that it runs very well a few days ago.
The code is pretty much the same as above, as follows:
aquery = """
SELECT ra as RA, dec as DEC, dered_mag_g as mag_g, dered_mag_r as mag_r, dered_mag_z as mag_z,
dered_mag_w1 as mag_w1, dered_mag_w2 as mag_w2, dered_flux_g as flux_g, dered_flux_r as flux_r,
dered_flux_z as flux_z, dered_flux_w1 as flux_w1, dered_flux_w2 as flux_w2
FROM ls_dr8.tractor_n
WHERE dered_mag_z > 13.5 and dered_mag_z < 23.5 and dered_mag_w1 != 'NaN' and dered_mag_w2 != 'NaN'
and dered_mag_w1 != 'Infinity' and dered_mag_w2 != 'Infinity' and ra < 120
### divide ra in 120, 180, 240
### ls_dr8.tractor is the main catalog combining both north and south
### async mode returns jobid
jobid = qc.query(token, adql=aquery, format='pandas', async_=True)
status = ''
while (status != 'COMPLETED' and status != 'ERROR'):
status = qc.status(token,jobid)
print (status) # Python 2; for Python 3 instead use print(status)
df = convert(response,'pandas')
/data0/sw/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/magic.py:188: DtypeWarning: Columns (2,3) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
CPU times: user 6min 44s, sys: 24.3 s, total: 7min 9s
Wall time: 26min 57s