Hi Jen, thanks for reaching out.
I just tried to download the file from your VOSpace, i.e. public/test.csv, and it worked well in several ways:
1. Logged in to the DL notebook server, I was able to copy it to my own VOSpace, like this (you of course don't have to do this step):
from dl import storeClient as sc
This took 18 seconds. Then, in the JupyterLab directory/file panel on the left hand side, I navigated to my 'vospace/' directory, right-clicked on the test.csv fil , and selected "Download". Then said where to download to on my local laptop, and after 2m15s I had the file (speed will of course depend on your network speed). My browser is Vivaldi, but it's based in Chrome, so should be very similar in behavior.
2. If you have the 'datalab' command-line package installed on your local computer, you can also download the file from a local terminal.
Install the package via:
$pip install --ignore-installed --no-cache-dir noaodatalab
Then verify that it installed correctly:
$datalab version
Task Version: 2.19.1
Finally, log in once:
$datalab login
(and provide your DL username and password)
Now you can download the file like this:
$datalab get fr="vos://public/test.csv" to=test.csv verbose=True
(1/1) [====================] [ 2.5G] k://public/test.csv
Please let us know if this works for you. And if not, please provide as much diagnostic info as you can. You can for instance send screenshots etc. via email to datalab@noirlab.edu.