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Table: catwise2020.main
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
ab_flagsunWISE artifact bitmask contamination flagsVARCHAR
cc_flagsWorst case 4 character cc_flag from AllWISEVARCHAR
chi2pmdecChi-square for PMDEC difference (1 degree of freedom)REAL
chi2pmraChi-square for PMRA difference (1 degree of freedom)REAL
decDeclination in degrees (ICRS)DOUBLE
dec_pmDeclination at epoch MJD=57170 (2015.405) from psf model incl. motionDOUBLE
delatDescending scan - ascending scan ecliptic latitudeREAL
delatsigOne-sigma uncertainty in DelatREAL
delonDescending scan - ascending scan ecliptic longitudeREAL
delonsigOne-sigma uncertainty in DelonREAL
distRadial distance between source positions in ascending and descending scansREAL
dist_xDistance between CatWISE and AllWISE sourceDOUBLE
dw1magDifference in w1mpro between ascending and descending scansREAL
dw2magDifference in w1mpro between ascending and descending scansREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elat_avgAverage ecliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elatsigOne-sigma uncertainty in ecliptic latitudeREAL
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
elon_avgAverage ecliptic longitudeDOUBLE
elonsigOne-sigma uncertainty in ecliptic longitudeREAL
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
k1W1 photometry usage codeINTEGER
k2W2 photometry usage codeINTEGER
kaAstrometry usage codeINTEGER
kmProper motion usage codeINTEGER
mdetidSource ID in mdet listINTEGER
meanobsmjdMean observation epochDOUBLE
n_awNumber of AllWISE matches within 2.75 asecINTEGER
naNumber of actively deblended componentsINTEGER
nbNumber of blend components used in each fitINTEGER
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
nitersNumber of chi-square-minimization iterationsINTEGER
niters_pmNumber of chi-square-minimization iterationsINTEGER
nstepsNumber of steps in all iterationsINTEGER
nsteps_pmNumber of steps in all iterationsINTEGER
p1Vector from the mdet position to the wphot template-fit position, component 1REAL
p2Vector from the mdet position to the wphot template-fit position, component 2REAL
par_pmParallax from PM desc-asce elonREAL
par_pmsigOne-sigma uncertainty in par_pmREAL
par_sigmaOne-sigma uncertainty in par_statREAL
par_statParallax estimate from stationary solutionREAL
pmcodeMotion estimate quality codeVARCHAR
pmdecAparent motion in DecREAL
pmraAparent motion in RAREAL
q12-log10(1-P(rho12)) given no real correlationINTEGER
raRight ascension in degrees (ICRS)DOUBLE
ra_pmRight ascension at epoch MJD=57170 (2015.405) from psf model incl. motionDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
rch2w1Chi-square for dw1mag (1 degree of freedom)REAL
rch2w2Chi-square for dw2mag (1 degree of freedom)REAL
rchi2Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi squared, totalREAL
rchi2_pmCombined Reduced chi^2 in all bands for the psf photometry includes src motionREAL
rho12band 1 - band 2 correlation coefficientINTEGER
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
sigdecUncertainty in Dec (arcsec)REAL
sigdec_pmUncertainty in the Dec motion estimateREAL
sigpmdecUncertainty in Dec motion estimateREAL
sigpmraUncertainty in RA motion estimateREAL
sigraUncertainty in RA (arcsec)REAL
sigra_pmUncertainty in the RA motion estimateREAL
sigradecCross-term of RA and Dec uncertainty (arcsec)REAL
sigradec_pmThe co-sigma of the equatorial position uncertainties from psf model incl motionREAL
source_idTile name + processing code + wphot indexVARCHAR
source_nameSource hexagesimal designationVARCHAR
unwise_objidunWISE catalog object IDVARCHAR
w1ab_mapunWISE artifact bitmask contamination map for W1INTEGER
w1ab_map_strunWISE artifact bitmask contamination string for W1VARCHAR
w1cc_mapWorst case w1cc_map from AllWISEINTEGER
w1cc_map_strWorst case w1cc_map_str from AllWISEVARCHAR
w1confFrame sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band-1REAL
w1covMean coverage depth, band-1REAL
w1fitrFitting radius, band-1 (clipped at 999.99)REAL
w1flgInstrumental standard aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_1Aperture 1, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_2Aperture 2, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_3Aperture 3, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_4Aperture 4, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_5Aperture 5, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_6Aperture 6, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_7Aperture 7, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1flg_8Aperture 8, instrumental aperture flag, band-1INTEGER
w1fluxProfile-fit photometry raw flux, band-1REAL
w1flux_pmRaw flux W1 profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w1kStetson k index for variability; band-1REAL
w1mNumber of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band-1INTEGER
w1magInstrumental standard aperture mag w/ correction applied, band-1REAL
w1mag_1Aperture 1, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_2Aperture 2, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_3Aperture 3, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_4Aperture 4, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_5Aperture 5, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_6Aperture 6, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_7Aperture 7, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1mag_8Aperture 8, instrumental aperture mag, band-1REAL
w1magpProfile-fit repeatability mag, band-1REAL
w1mjdmaxMaximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1DOUBLE
w1mjdmeanMean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1DOUBLE
w1mjdminMinimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 1DOUBLE
w1mlq-ln(Q), where Q = 1-P(chi^2); band-1REAL
w1mproInstrumental profile-fit photometry magnitud, band-1REAL
w1mpro_pmW1 magnitude from profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w1ndfNumber degrees of freedom in variability chi^2; band-1INTEGER
w1nmNumber of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band-1INTEGER
w1rchi2Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band-1REAL
w1rchi2_pmReduced chi^2 of the W1 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion estimateREAL
w1satFraction of pixels affected by saturation, band-1REAL
w1sigfluxprofile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigflux_pmRaw flux uncertainty W1 profile-fit photometry including motion1REAL
w1sigmInstrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty applied, band-1REAL
w1sigm_1Aperture 1, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_2Aperture 2, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_3Aperture 3, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_4Aperture 4, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_5Aperture 5, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_6Aperture 6, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_7Aperture 7, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigm_8Aperture 8, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1sigmproInstrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band-1REAL
w1sigmpro_pmW1 flux uncertainty from profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w1sigp1Standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag; band-1REAL
w1sigp2Standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag the mean; band-1REAL
w1sigskFrame sky background value uncertainty, band-1REAL
w1skyFrame sky background value, band-1REAL
w1snrInstrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band-1REAL
w1snr_pmS/N ratio of the W1 profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w2ab_mapunWISE artifact bitmask contamination map for W2INTEGER
w2ab_map_strunWISE artifact bitmask contamination string for W2VARCHAR
w2cc_mapWorst case w2cc_map from AllWISEINTEGER
w2cc_map_strWorst case w2cc_map_str from AllWISEVARCHAR
w2confFrame sky confusion based on the uncertainty images, band-2REAL
w2covMean coverage depth, band-2REAL
w2fitrFitting radius, band-2 (clipped at 999.99)REAL
w2flgInstrumental standard aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_1Aperture 1, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_2Aperture 2, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_3Aperture 3, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_4Aperture 4, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_5Aperture 5, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_6Aperture 6, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_7Aperture 7, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2flg_8Aperture 8, instrumental aperture flag, band-2INTEGER
w2fluxprofile-fit photometry raw flux, band-2REAL
w2flux_pmRaw flux W2 profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w2kStetson k index for variability; band-2REAL
w2mNumber of profile-fit flux measurements for source, band-2INTEGER
w2magInstrumental standard aperture mag w/ correction applied, band-2REAL
w2mag_1Aperture 1, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_2Aperture 2, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_3Aperture 3, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_4Aperture 4, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_5Aperture 5, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_6Aperture 6, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_7Aperture 7, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2mag_8Aperture 8, instrumental aperture mag, band-2REAL
w2magpProfile-fit repeatability mag, band-1REAL
w2mjdmaxMaximum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2DOUBLE
w2mjdmeanMean modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2DOUBLE
w2mjdminMinimum modified Julian Date of frame extractions, band 2DOUBLE
w2mlq-ln(Q), where Q = 1-P(chi^2); band-2REAL
w2mproInstrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band-2REAL
w2mpro_pmW2 magnitude from profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w2ndfNumber degrees of freedom in variability chi^2; band-2INTEGER
w2nmNumber of profile-fit flux measurements for source with SNR >= 3, band-2INTEGER
w2rchi2Instrumental profile-fit photometry reduced chi^2, band-2REAL
w2rchi2_pmReduced chi^2 of the W2 profile-fit photometry measurement including motion estimateREAL
w2satFraction of pixels affected by saturation, band-2REAL
w2sigfluxprofile-fit photometry raw flux uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigflux_pmRaw flux uncertainty W2 profile-fit photometry including motion1REAL
w2sigmInstrumental standard aperture mag uncertainty applied, band-2REAL
w2sigm_1Aperture 1, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_2Aperture 2, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_3Aperture 3, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_4Aperture 4, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_5Aperture 5, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_6Aperture 6, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_7Aperture 7, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigm_8Aperture 8, instrumental aperture mag uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2sigmproInstrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band-2REAL
w2sigmpro_pmW2 flux uncertainty from profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
w2sigp1Standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag; band-2REAL
w2sigp2Standard deviation of the mean of profile-fit repeatability mag the mean; band-1REAL
w2sigskFrame sky background value uncertainty, band-2REAL
w2skyFrame sky background value, band-2REAL
w2snrInstrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band-2REAL
w2snr_pmS/N ratio of the W2 profile-fit photometry including motionREAL
wxX-pixel valueREAL
wyY-pixel valueREAL