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Table: dad_dr2.movds
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
betaecliptic latitude of the center of the field (deg)DOUBLE
datasetdataset identifierCHAR
dateobservation start of the first exposture (UT)TIMESTAMP
decDeclination of the center of the field (deg)DOUBLE
filterfilter used for observationsCHAR
gammaecliptic longitude of the center of the field (deg)DOUBLE
lstlocal sideral time at the start of the first exposureCHAR
mjdmodified Julian date at the start of the first exposureDOUBLE
nexposuresnumber of exposuresINTEGER
ngrpnumber of tracklets foundINTEGER
nightcalendar night of observationsTIMESTAMP
observersobservers given in the exposure headerCHAR
oppositionangle from opposition for the center of the field (deg)DOUBLE
photreffilter used for magnitude calibrationCHAR
piprinciple investigator given in the exposure headerCHAR
plverpipeline versionCHAR
procidproposal ID of observationsCHAR
propidproposal ID of observationsCHAR
raRA of the center of the field (deg)DOUBLE