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Table: decaps_dr1.ccds
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmassAirmass extinctionDOUBLE
arawgainAverage gain for this CCDDOUBLE
avskyAverage sky level in this image (ADU)DOUBLE
brick_x0Brick region start xSMALLINT
brick_x1Brick region end xSMALLINT
brick_y0Brick region start ySMALLINT
brick_y1Brick region end ySMALLINT
cameraThe camera that took this imageVARCHAR
ccd_x0Physical array start xSMALLINT
ccd_x1Physical array end xSMALLINT
ccd_y0Physical array start ySMALLINT
ccd_y1Physical array end ySMALLINT
ccddecoffMedian astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdnameCCD name (see DECam layout)VARCHAR
ccdnmatchNumber of stars matched to PS1 catalog of matched starsINTEGER
ccdnumCCD number (see DECam layout)BIGINT
ccdraoffMedian astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdzptZero point for the CCD (AB mag)DOUBLE
cd1_1Astrometric header value: transformation matrixDOUBLE
cd1_2Astrometric header value: transformation matrixDOUBLE
cd2_1Astrometric header value: transformation matrixDOUBLE
cd2_2Astrometric header value: transformation matrixDOUBLE
crpix1Astrometric header value: X reference pixelDOUBLE
crpix2Astrometric header value: Y reference pixelDOUBLE
crval1Astrometric header value: RA of reference pixelDOUBLE
crval2Astrometric header value: Dec of reference pixelDOUBLE
date_obsDate of observation startVARCHAR
decApproximate declination center of this CCD (deg)DOUBLE
dec_boreTelescope boresight Dec of this exposure (deg)DOUBLE
expnumUnique DECam exposure numberBIGINT
exptimeExposure time (sec)DOUBLE
extnameExtension nameVARCHAR
filterFilter used for observationCHAR
fwhm[Use seeing instead]DOUBLE
galnormNorm of the PSF model convolved by a 0.45 arcsec exponential galaxyREAL
heightHeight of the image (pixels)BIGINT
image_filenamePath to FITS imageVARCHAR
image_hduFITS HDU number in the image_filename file where this image can be foundBIGINT
mjd_obsDate of observation in MJD (in UTC system)DOUBLE
objectName listed in the object tag from the CCD headerVARCHAR
plverCommuity Pipeline (CP) version numberVARCHAR
propidPropsal IDVARCHAR
psfnormPSF norm = 1/sqrt of N_eff = sqrt(sum(psf_i^2)) for normalized PSF pixels iDOUBLE
psfplverPSF Community Pipeline (CP) version numberCHAR
psfverVersion of the fits format for this PSFTYPECHAR
raApproximate right ascension center of this CCD (deg)DOUBLE
ra_boreTelescope boresight RA of this exposure (deg)DOUBLE
seeingSeeing in arcseconds determined by fitting a 2-dimensional gaussian to the median PSF of stars on the CCDDOUBLE
sig1Median per-pixel error standard deviation, in nanomaggiesDOUBLE
skyplverSky Community Pipeline (CP) version numberVARCHAR
skyverSky versionCHAR
wcsplverWCS Community Pipeline (CP) version numberVARCHAR
wcsverWCS versionCHAR
widthWidth of the image (pixels)BIGINT
zpscatterZero point scatterDOUBLE
zptMedian zero point for the entire image (median of all CCDs of the image)DOUBLE