Choose a database in the left panel then select the table you want!

(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmassAirmass extinctionDOUBLE
aosAOS data available if trueSMALLINT
azTelescope azimuthDOUBLE
bcamBCAM data available if trueSMALLINT
bitpixNumber of bits per data pixelBIGINT
bunitPhotoelectrons per secondVARCHAR
cachedIgnore; all values for this column are 0SMALLINT
camshutShutter status during observationVARCHAR
catfnameFilename of cat FITS file, e.g.
ccdbin1Binning factor along axis 1BIGINT
ccdbin2Binning factor along axis 2BIGINT
ccdsecCCD sectionVARCHAR
checksumFITS header keyword used to verify the integrity of the HDUVARCHAR
constverSISPI constants versionVARCHAR
corn1decDec corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn1raRA corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn2decDec corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn2raRA corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn3decDec corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn3raRA corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn4decDec corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
corn4raRA corner of exposure (deg)DOUBLE
darktimeTotal elapsed time (sec)DOUBLE
datasumFITS header keyword used to verify the integrity of the HDU data unitCHAR
dateDate of observationVARCHAR
date_obsDate of observationVARCHAR
decDeclination (deg)DOUBLE
des_extImage extensionVARCHAR
detsizeDetector sizeVARCHAR
dhefirmDHE FirmwareVARCHAR
dheinfController infoVARCHAR
dimmseePachon DIMM seeingDOUBLE
dodxX-decenter from donut analysis (um)DOUBLE
dodyY-decenter from donut analysis (um)DOUBLE
dodzZ-decenter from donut analysis (um)DOUBLE
domeazDome position (deg)DOUBLE
domeflorTemperature of dome floor (deg C)DOUBLE
domehighTemperature at dome back, upper (deg C)DOUBLE
domelowTemperature at dome back, lower (deg C)DOUBLE
donutfn1Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfn2Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfn3Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfn4Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfs1Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfs2Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfs3Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
donutfs4Mean wavefrontVARCHAR
doxtX-theta from donut analysis (arcsec)DOUBLE
doytY-theta from donut analysis (arcsec)DOUBLE
dt_rtnamNSA root nameVARCHAR
dtaccounObserving account nameVARCHAR
dtacqnamFile name supplied at telescopeVARCHAR
dtacquisHost name of data acquisition computerVARCHAR
dtcaldatCalendar date from observing scheduleVARCHAR
dtcopyriCopyright holder of dataVARCHAR
dtinstruInstrument identifierVARCHAR
dtnsanamFile name supplied at NSAVARCHAR
dtobservScheduling institutionVARCHAR
dtpiPrincipal InvestigatorVARCHAR
dtpiafflPI affiliationCHAR
dtpropidProposal ID validated by ArchiveVARCHAR
dtqueueDTS queue (1513)VARCHAR
dtsiteTelescope/observatory local from which original raw data was takenVARCHAR
dtstatusData transport statusVARCHAR
dttelescTelescope identifierVARCHAR
dttitleTitle of dataCHAR
dtutcPost exposure UTC epoch from DTSVARCHAR
equinoxEquinox of RA and DecDOUBLE
errorsSISPI readout errorsVARCHAR
excludedDECam components not used for this frameCHAR
exp_idExposure IDBIGINT
expnumExposure numberBIGINT
expreqRequested exposure time (sec)DOUBLE
exptimeActual exposure time (sec)DOUBLE
fadxFA delta X (um)DOUBLE
fadyFA delta Y (um)DOUBLE
fadzFA delta Z (um)DOUBLE
faxtFA delta x-theta (arcsec)DOUBLE
faytFA delta Y-theta (arcsec)DOUBLE
filenameFilename of fits imageVARCHAR
filterFilter usedVARCHAR
filteridFilter (one of g,r,i,z,Y)VARCHAR
filtposInstrument filter positionVARCHAR
fits_decDeclination of FITS image (deg)DOUBLE
fits_raRight ascension of FITS image (deg)DOUBLE
g_ccdnumNumber of guide CCDs that remained activeBIGINT
g_feedbkGuider feedback (%)VARCHAR
g_flxvarGuider mean guide star flux variances (arcsec)DOUBLE
g_latencGuider average latency between exposures (sec)DOUBLE
g_maxxGuider x-axis mamimum offset (arcsec)DOUBLE
g_maxyGuider y-axis maximum offset (arcsec)DOUBLE
g_meanxGuider x-axis mean offset (arcsec)DOUBLE
g_meanx2Guider (x) 2nd moment mean offset (arcsec^2)DOUBLE
g_meanxyGuider (xy) 2nd moment mean offset (arcsec^2)DOUBLE
g_meanyGuider y-axis mean offset (arcsec)DOUBLE
g_meany2Guider (y) 2nd moment mean offset (arcsec^2)DOUBLE
g_modeGuider operation modeVARCHAR
g_seeingGuider average seeing (arcsec)DOUBLE
g_transpGuider average sky transparencyDOUBLE
gskyhotRASICAM global sky fraction above thresholdDOUBLE
gskyphotRASICAM global sky clear flagSMALLINT
gskyvarRASICAM global sky standard deviationDOUBLE
guiderGuider (0-absent,1-ok,2-lost star,3-lost all stars)BIGINT
haHour angle of observationVARCHAR
hdrverDECam fits header versionVARCHAR
humidityPercent humidity outsideDOUBLE
instanceSISPI instance nameVARCHAR
instrumeName of instrument usedVARCHAR
iraf_tlmTime of last modificationVARCHAR
lskyhotRASICAM local sky fraction above thresholdVARCHAR
lskyphotRASICAM local sky clear flagSMALLINT
lskypowRASICAM local sky normalized powerVARCHAR
lskyvarRASICAM local sky standard deviationVARCHAR
lutverHexapod Lookup Table versionVARCHAR
lwtrtempLower truss temperature (deg C)VARCHAR
magzeroMagnitude zero point (mag)DOUBLE
magzptMagnitude zero point per sec (mag)DOUBLE
mairtempMirror temperature above surface (deg C)DOUBLE
median_fwhm_geoMedian FWHM geometry modeDOUBLE
median_fwhm_majMedian FWHM of major axisDOUBLE
mjd_obsModified Julian Date of observationDOUBLE
msurtempMirror surface average temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
multiexpFrame contains multiple exposures if trueSMALLINT
naxisNumber of data axesBIGINT
ndonutsAOS number of donuts analyzed for this CCDBIGINT
nextendNumber of extensionsBIGINT
objectObject nameVARCHAR
obs_elevObservatory elevationDOUBLE
obs_latObservatory latitude (deg)DOUBLE
obs_longObservatory longitude (deg)DOUBLE
observatName of observatory usedVARCHAR
observerName of observerVARCHAR
obsidObservation IDVARCHAR
obstypeObservation type (object, zero, dark, dome flat)VARCHAR
odateobsPrevious date-obsCHAR
openshutDate and time at shutter open (UTC)VARCHAR
originLow edge of first LST histogram bin (deg)VARCHAR
outtempOutside temperature (celsius)DOUBLE
photflagNight Photometric (1) or not (0)BIGINT
photrefPhototometric reference catalogVARCHAR
pixscal1Pixel scale for axis 1 (arcsec/pixel)DOUBLE
pixscal2Pixel scale for axis 2 (arcsec/pixel)DOUBLE
plarverPL NSA archive versionBIGINT
pldnamePL datasetVARCHAR
pldsidPL NSA nameVARCHAR
plfnamePL filenameVARCHAR
plprocidUnique, time-based, CP processing hash - see the plprocid page for how to convert this to a dateVARCHAR
plqnamePL datasetVARCHAR
plqueuePL queueVARCHAR
plverCommunity Pipeline (CP) version numberVARCHAR
pme_tempMirror east edge temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
pmn_tempMirror north edge temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
pmostempPrimary mirror top surface temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
pms_tempMirror south edge temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
pmw_tempMirror west edge temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
pressureAir pressure outside (torr)DOUBLE
proctypeProcessing typeVARCHAR
prodtypeProduct type (image, dqmask, expmap, etc)VARCHAR
programName of programVARCHAR
propidProposal IDVARCHAR
proposerName of proposer PIVARCHAR
pupilampAmplitude of pupilDOUBLE
pupilmaxCamera pupil maximum (mm)DOUBLE
pupilskySky backgroundDOUBLE
raRight ascension (deg)DOUBLE
radecsysThe RA/Dec system usedVARCHAR
radesysCoordinate reference frame of major/minor axesVARCHAR
recnoRecord number assigned by the VizieR team. Should not be used for identification.BIGINT
rmcountRemediation counterBIGINT
sb_accouiSTB client user accountVARCHAR
sb_dir1Level 1 directory in NSA DSVARCHAR
sb_dir2Level 2 directory in NSA DSVARCHAR
sb_dir3Level 3 directory in NSA DSVARCHAR
sb_hostiSTB client hostVARCHAR
sb_idUnique iSTB identifierVARCHAR
sb_localLocale of iSTB daemonVARCHAR
sb_nameName assigned by iSTBVARCHAR
sb_recnoiSTB sequence numberBIGINT
sb_rtnamNSA root nameVARCHAR
sb_siteiSTB host siteVARCHAR
scampchichi2 value from SCAMPDOUBLE
scampflgFlag for SCAMP; 0=no WARNING; 1=WARNING existsBIGINT
scampnumnumber of matched stars from SCAMPBIGINT
simpleIgnore; all values for this column are 0SMALLINT
sispiverSISPI software versionVARCHAR
skyorderIgnore; all values for this column are either 0 or 8BIGINT
skystatCloud camera (RASICAM) available if trueSMALLINT
skysubSky subtractionDOUBLE
skyupdatTime of last RASICAM exposure (UTC)VARCHAR
smf_fnSingle-mode-fiber (SMF) frequencyDOUBLE
teldec[HH:MM:SS] telescope DecVARCHAR
telequinEquinox of telescope coordinatesDOUBLE
telescopName of telescope usedVARCHAR
telfocusDESI hexapod settingsVARCHAR
telra[HH:MM:SS] telescope RAVARCHAR
telstatTelescope tracking statusVARCHAR
time_obsTime of observationVARCHAR
time_recordedTime recordedVARCHAR
timesysTime systemVARCHAR
uptrtempUpper truss temperature (deg C)DOUBLE
ute_tempUpper truss temperature east (deg C)DOUBLE
utn_tempUpper truss temperature north (deg C)DOUBLE
uts_tempUpper truss temperature south (deg C)DOUBLE
utw_tempUpper truss temperature west (deg C)DOUBLE
validaData from amp A is validSMALLINT
validbData from amp B is validSMALLINT
vsubTrue if CCD substrate voltage is onSMALLINT
wcscalAstrometric calibrationVARCHAR
winddirWind direction outside (deg)DOUBLE
windspdWind speed outside (m/s)DOUBLE
xtalkfilCrosstalk fileVARCHAR
zdZenith distance of observationDOUBLE