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Table: decaps_dr2.object
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
cchi2_avg_gAverage chi^2 of predicted background evaluated for good pixels in g-bandREAL
cchi2_avg_iAverage chi^2 of predicted background evaluated for good pixels in i-bandREAL
cchi2_avg_rAverage chi^2 of predicted background evaluated for good pixels in r-bandREAL
cchi2_avg_yAverage chi^2 of predicted background evaluated for good pixels in Y-bandREAL
cchi2_avg_zAverage chi^2 of predicted background evaluated for good pixels in z-bandREAL
dec_okDeclination of ok detectionsDOUBLE
dnt_all_gBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in all (ok) detections in g-bandINTEGER
dnt_all_iBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in all (ok) detections in i-bandINTEGER
dnt_all_rBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in all (ok) detections in r-bandINTEGER
dnt_all_yBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in all (ok) detections in Y-bandINTEGER
dnt_all_zBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in all (ok) detections in z-bandINTEGER
dnt_any_gBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in any (ok) detections in g-bandINTEGER
dnt_any_iBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in any (ok) detections in i-bandINTEGER
dnt_any_rBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in any (ok) detections in r-bandINTEGER
dnt_any_yBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in any (ok) detections in Y-bandINTEGER
dnt_any_zBits from CloudCovErr solution thrown in any (ok) detections in z-bandINTEGER
dqflags_all_gBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in all (ok) detections in g-bandBIGINT
dqflags_all_iBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in all (ok) detections in i-bandBIGINT
dqflags_all_rBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in all (ok) detections in r-bandBIGINT
dqflags_all_yBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in all (ok) detections in Y-bandBIGINT
dqflags_all_zBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in all (ok) detections in z-bandBIGINT
dqflags_any_gBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in any (ok) detections in g-bandBIGINT
dqflags_any_iBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in any (ok) detections in i-bandBIGINT
dqflags_any_rBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in any (ok) detections in r-bandBIGINT
dqflags_any_yBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in any (ok) detections in Y-bandBIGINT
dqflags_any_zBits from DECam Community pipeline/crowdsource solution thrown in any (ok) detections in z-bandBIGINT
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
epochmeanAverage MJDDOUBLE
epochmean_okAverage MJD (ok detections only)DOUBLE
epochrangeMJD difference between earliest and latest detectionDOUBLE
epochrange_okMJD difference between earliest and latest detection (ok detections only)DOUBLE
err_cflux_gAverage dcflux (uncertainty) in mean cflux in g-bandREAL
err_cflux_iAverage dcflux (uncertainty) in mean cflux in i-bandREAL
err_cflux_rAverage dcflux (uncertainty) in mean cflux in r-bandREAL
err_cflux_yAverage dcflux (uncertainty) in mean cflux in Y-bandREAL
err_cflux_zAverage dcflux (uncertainty) in mean cflux in z-bandREAL
err_gAverage dflux (uncertainty) in mean flux in g-bandREAL
err_iAverage dflux (uncertainty) in mean flux in i-bandREAL
err_rAverage dflux (uncertainty) in mean flux in r-bandREAL
err_yAverage dflux (uncertainty) in mean flux in Y-bandREAL
err_zAverage dflux (uncertainty) in mean flux in z-bandREAL
fracflux_avg_gAverage fraction of g-band flux in this objects PSF that comes from this objectREAL
fracflux_avg_iAverage fraction of i-band flux in this objects PSF that comes from this objectREAL
fracflux_avg_rAverage fraction of r-band flux in this objects PSF that comes from this objectREAL
fracflux_avg_yAverage fraction of Y-band flux in this objects PSF that comes from this objectREAL
fracflux_avg_zAverage fraction of z-band flux in this objects PSF that comes from this objectREAL
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
maglimit_gVery rough magnitude limit in g-band at which this detection would be only 5 sigma, -2.5 * log10(5 * dflux) + zeropointREAL
maglimit_iVery rough magnitude limit in i-band at which this detection would be only 5 sigma, -2.5 * log10(5 * dflux) + zeropointREAL
maglimit_rVery rough magnitude limit in r-band at which this detection would be only 5 sigma, -2.5 * log10(5 * dflux) + zeropointREAL
maglimit_yVery rough magnitude limit in Y-band at which this detection would be only 5 sigma, -2.5 * log10(5 * dflux) + zeropointREAL
maglimit_zVery rough magnitude limit in z-band at which this detection would be only 5 sigma, -2.5 * log10(5 * dflux) + zeropointREAL
mean_cflux_gMean cflux in g-bandREAL
mean_cflux_iMean cflux in i-bandREAL
mean_cflux_rMean cflux in r-bandREAL
mean_cflux_yMean cflux in Y-bandREAL
mean_cflux_zMean cflux in z-bandREAL
mean_cmag_gMean magnitude in g-band using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_g_rMean magnitude of g-r color using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_iMean magnitude in i-band using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_i_zMean magnitude of i-z color using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_rMean magnitude in r-band using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_r_iMean magnitude of r-i color using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_yMean magnitude in Y-band using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_zMean magnitude in z-band using cfluxREAL
mean_cmag_z_yMean magnitude of z-Y color using cfluxREAL
mean_gMean flux in g-bandREAL
mean_iMean flux in i-bandREAL
mean_mag_gMean magnitude in g-bandREAL
mean_mag_g_rMean magnitude of g-r colorREAL
mean_mag_iMean magnitude in i-bandREAL
mean_mag_i_zMean magnitude of i-z colorREAL
mean_mag_rMean magnitude in r-bandREAL
mean_mag_r_iMean magnitude of r-i colorREAL
mean_mag_yMean magnitude in Y-bandREAL
mean_mag_zMean magnitude in z-bandREAL
mean_mag_z_yMean magnitude of z-Y colorREAL
mean_rMean flux in r-bandREAL
mean_yMean flux in Y-bandREAL
mean_zMean flux in z-bandREAL
median_cflux_gMedian cflux in g-bandREAL
median_cflux_iMedian cflux in i-bandREAL
median_cflux_rMedian cflux in r-bandREAL
median_cflux_yMedian cflux in Y-bandREAL
median_cflux_zMedian cflux in z-bandREAL
median_cmag_gMedian magnitude in g-band using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_g_rMedian magnitude of g-r color using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_iMedian magnitude in i-band using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_i_zMedian magnitude of i-z color using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_rMedian magnitude in r-band using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_r_iMedian magnitude of r-i color using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_yMedian magnitude in Y-band using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_zMedian magnitude in z-band using cfluxREAL
median_cmag_z_yMedian magnitude of z-Y color using cfluxREAL
median_gMedian flux in g-bandREAL
median_iMedian flux in i-bandREAL
median_mag_gMedian magnitude in g-bandREAL
median_mag_g_rMedian magnitude of g-r colorREAL
median_mag_iMedian magnitude in i-bandREAL
median_mag_i_zMedian magnitude of i-z colorREAL
median_mag_rMedian magnitude in r-bandREAL
median_mag_r_iMedian magnitude of r-i colorREAL
median_mag_yMedian magnitude in Y-bandREAL
median_mag_zMedian magnitude in z-bandREAL
median_mag_z_yMedian magnitude of z-Y colorREAL
median_rMedian flux in r-bandREAL
median_yMedian flux in Y-bandREAL
median_zMedian flux in z-bandREAL
ndetTotal number of flux detections associated with objectSMALLINT
ndet_cfluxTotal number of cflux detections associated with objectSMALLINT
ndet_cflux_okTotal number of cflux detections associated with object (ok detections only)SMALLINT
ndet_okTotal number of flux detections associated with object (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
nmag_cflux_gTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in g-bandSMALLINT
nmag_cflux_iTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in i-bandSMALLINT
nmag_cflux_ok_gTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in g-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_cflux_ok_iTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in i-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_cflux_ok_rTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in r-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_cflux_ok_yTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in Y-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_cflux_ok_zTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in z-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_cflux_rTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in r-bandSMALLINT
nmag_cflux_yTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in Y-bandSMALLINT
nmag_cflux_zTotal number of cflux detections associated with object in z-bandSMALLINT
nmag_gTotal number of detections associated with object in g-bandSMALLINT
nmag_iTotal number of detections associated with object in i-bandSMALLINT
nmag_ok_gTotal number of detections associated with object in g-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_ok_iTotal number of detections associated with object in i-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_ok_rTotal number of detections associated with object in r-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_ok_yTotal number of detections associated with object in Y-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_ok_zTotal number of detections associated with object in z-band (ok detections only)SMALLINT
nmag_rTotal number of detections associated with object in r-bandSMALLINT
nmag_yTotal number of detections associated with object in Y-bandSMALLINT
nmag_zTotal number of detections associated with object in z-bandSMALLINT
obj_idUnique DECaPS DR2 object IDBIGINT
posstdevStandard deviation in position of object between different detectionsREAL
posstdev_okStandard deviation in position of object between different detections (ok detections only)REAL
pre_avg_gAverage probability of error mode classification at the detection location in g-bandREAL
pre_avg_iAverage probability of error mode classification at the detection location in i-bandREAL
pre_avg_rAverage probability of error mode classification at the detection location in r-bandREAL
pre_avg_yAverage probability of error mode classification at the detection location in Y-bandREAL
pre_avg_zAverage probability of error mode classification at the detection location in z-bandREAL
prl_avg_gAverage probability of light nebulosity classification at the detection location in g-bandREAL
prl_avg_iAverage probability of light nebulosity classification at the detection location in i-bandREAL
prl_avg_rAverage probability of light nebulosity classification at the detection location in r-bandREAL
prl_avg_yAverage probability of light nebulosity classification at the detection location in Y-bandREAL
prl_avg_zAverage probability of light nebulosity classification at the detection location in z-bandREAL
prn_avg_gAverage probability of nebulosity classification at the detection location in g-bandREAL
prn_avg_iAverage probability of nebulosity classification at the detection location in i-bandREAL
prn_avg_rAverage probability of nebulosity classification at the detection location in r-bandREAL
prn_avg_yAverage probability of nebulosity classification at the detection location in Y-bandREAL
prn_avg_zAverage probability of nebulosity classification at the detection location in z-bandREAL
prr_avg_gAverage probability of regular classification at the detection location in g-bandREAL
prr_avg_iAverage probability of regular classification at the detection location in i-bandREAL
prr_avg_rAverage probability of regular classification at the detection location in r-bandREAL
prr_avg_yAverage probability of regular classification at the detection location in Y-bandREAL
prr_avg_zAverage probability of regular classification at the detection location in z-bandREAL
q25_cflux_g25th percentile cflux in g-bandREAL
q25_cflux_i25th percentile cflux in i-bandREAL
q25_cflux_r25th percentile cflux in r-bandREAL
q25_cflux_y25th percentile cflux in Y-bandREAL
q25_cflux_z25th percentile cflux in z-bandREAL
q25_g25th percentile flux in g-bandREAL
q25_i25th percentile flux in i-bandREAL
q25_r25th percentile flux in r-bandREAL
q25_y25th percentile flux in Y-bandREAL
q25_z25th percentile flux in z-bandREAL
q75_cflux_g75th percentile cflux in g-bandREAL
q75_cflux_i75th percentile cflux in i-bandREAL
q75_cflux_r75th percentile cflux in r-bandREAL
q75_cflux_y75th percentile cflux in Y-bandREAL
q75_cflux_z75th percentile cflux in z-bandREAL
q75_g75th percentile flux in g-bandREAL
q75_i75th percentile flux in i-bandREAL
q75_r75th percentile flux in r-bandREAL
q75_y75th percentile flux in Y-bandREAL
q75_z75th percentile flux in z-bandREAL
qf_avg_gAverage quality factor (qf) based on PSF-weighted fraction of pixels contributing to the detection (0 < qf <1 ranges bad < qf < good) in g-bandREAL
qf_avg_iAverage quality factor (qf) based on PSF-weighted fraction of pixels contributing to the detection (0 < qf <1 ranges bad < qf < good) in i-bandREAL
qf_avg_rAverage quality factor (qf) based on PSF-weighted fraction of pixels contributing to the detection (0 < qf <1 ranges bad < qf < good) in r-bandREAL
qf_avg_yAverage quality factor (qf) based on PSF-weighted fraction of pixels contributing to the detection (0 < qf <1 ranges bad < qf < good) in Y-bandREAL
qf_avg_zAverage quality factor (qf) based on PSF-weighted fraction of pixels contributing to the detection (0 < qf <1 ranges bad < qf < good) in z-bandREAL
raRight ascensionDOUBLE
ra_okRight ascension of ok detectionsDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
rchi2_avg_gAverage chi^2 per pixel in g-band, weighted by PSFREAL
rchi2_avg_iAverage chi^2 per pixel in i-band, weighted by PSFREAL
rchi2_avg_rAverage chi^2 per pixel in r-band, weighted by PSFREAL
rchi2_avg_yAverage chi^2 per pixel in Y-band, weighted by PSFREAL
rchi2_avg_zAverage chi^2 per pixel in z-band, weighted by PSFREAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
snr_avg_gAverage flux/dflux (where dflux is uncertainty) in g-bandREAL
snr_avg_iAverage flux/dflux (where dflux is uncertainty) in i-bandREAL
snr_avg_rAverage flux/dflux (where dflux is uncertainty) in r-bandREAL
snr_avg_yAverage flux/dflux (where dflux is uncertainty) in Y-bandREAL
snr_avg_zAverage flux/dflux (where dflux is uncertainty) in z-bandREAL
stdev_cflux_gStandard deviation of cflux measurements in g-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_cflux_iStandard deviation of cflux measurements in i-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_cflux_rStandard deviation of cflux measurements in r-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_cflux_yStandard deviation of cflux measurements in Y-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_cflux_zStandard deviation of cflux measurements in z-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_gStandard deviation of flux measurements in g-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_iStandard deviation of flux measurements in i-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_rStandard deviation of flux measurements in r-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_yStandard deviation of flux measurements in Y-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL
stdev_zStandard deviation of flux measurements in z-band (can be NaN if 1 detection)REAL