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Table: des_dr1.des_galex
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
angdistAngular distance (arcsec)DOUBLE
coadd_object_idUnique identifier for the coadded objectsINTEGER
decDeclination (ICRS) in DES catalogDOUBLE
dec_cdsCDS declination (degrees)DOUBLE
e_bvThe Galactic reddening expressed as E(B-V). This is derived from the Galactic extinctions maps from Schlegel et al. (1998, ApJ, 500, 525). Data obtained from
fuv_artifactLogical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3x3 pixel box in the FUV flags image centered on the source centroid pixel. The meanings of the flag values are the same as in the NUV. If no FUV observations are available at that location, then a value of -99.0 appears.SMALLINT
fuv_fluxCalibrated FUV flux measured within the NUV-defined AUTO aperture.REAL
fuv_fluxerrThe error in fuv_fluxREAL
fuv_magCalibrated FUV magnitude on the AB system measured within the NUV-defined AUTO aperture. Sources with either a negative FLUX_FUV or without FUV observations will be flagged with values of either +99 or -99.REAL
fuv_magerrThe error in fuv_magREAL
nuv_artifactLogical OR of artifact flags for pixels within a 3x3 pixel box in the NUV flags image centered on the source centroid pixel. The artifact flag is a binary flag with each bit indicating a different artifact.SMALLINT
nuv_fluxCalibrated NUV flux. This is currently always set to the SExtractor AUTO flux.REAL
nuv_fluxerrThe error in nuv_fluxREAL
nuv_magCalibrated NUV magnitude on the AB system. This is currently always set to the SExtractor AUTO magnitude.REAL
nuv_magerrThe error in nuv_magREAL
objidThis is the 64-bit integer version of the global object ID uniquely identifying this source including the tile number, band, product number, reduction try (path), etc.BIGINT
objtypeObject typeINTEGER
raRight ascension (ICRS) in DES catalogDOUBLE
ra_cdsCDS right ascension (degrees)DOUBLE