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Table: des_dr1.morph
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
asymmetry_gZEST+ value for the Asymmetry(see Equation 16 from
asymmetry_iZEST+ value for the Asymmetry(see Equation 16 from
asymmetry_rZEST+ value for the Asymmetry(see Equation 16 from
cflags_gNumber of neighbours in the fitted stampINTEGER
cflags_iNumber of neighbours in the fitted stampINTEGER
cflags_rNumber of neighbours in the fitted stampINTEGER
clumpiness_gZEST+ value for the Clumpiness (see Equation 17 from
clumpiness_iZEST+ value for the Clumpiness (see Equation 17 from
clumpiness_rZEST+ value for the Clumpiness (see Equation 17 from
coadd_objects_idIdentifier assigned to each object in the co-add DES Y1 dataset, taken from The Gold CatalogBIGINT
concentration_cal_gCalibration vector for CONCENTRATION_GREAL
concentration_cal_iCalibration vector for CONCENTRATION_IREAL
concentration_cal_rCalibration vector for CONCENTRATION_RREAL
concentration_gZEST+ measurement for the Concentration of light (see Equation 11 from
concentration_iZEST+ measurement for the Concentration of light (see Equation 11 from
concentration_rZEST+ measurement for the Concentration of light (see Equation 11 from
decDeclination (degrees) taken from the GOLD catalogDOUBLE
ellipticity_sersic_cal_gCalibration value for the ELLIPTICITY_SERSIC_GREAL
ellipticity_sersic_cal_iCalibration value for the ELLIPTICITY_SERSIC_IREAL
ellipticity_sersic_cal_rCalibration value for the ELLIPTICITY_SERSIC_RREAL
ellipticity_sersic_gEllipticity of the galaxy, calculated by subtracting from unity the Galfit estimate for the axis-ratio. The value is corrected and the calibration is accessible through the column ELLIPTICITY_SERSIC_CAL_GREAL
ellipticity_sersic_iEllipticity of the galaxy, calculated by subtracting from unity the Galfit estimate for the axis-ratio. The value is corrected and the calibration is accessible through the column ELLIPTICITY_SERSIC_CAL_IREAL
ellipticity_sersic_rEllipticity of the galaxy, calculated by subtracting from unity the Galfit estimate for the axis-ratio. The value is corrected and the calibration is accessible through the column ELLIPTICITY_SERSIC_CAL_RREAL
fit_available_gObject attempted fit. = 1 -> Successful. != 1 Not successfulINTEGER
fit_available_iObject attempted fit. = 1 -> Successful. != 1 Not successfulINTEGER
fit_available_rObject attempted fit. = 1 -> Successful. != 1 Not successfulINTEGER
fit_status_gIf equal to 1, this flag selects all the objects with a successfully validated and calibrated converged fit (see note about this column on
fit_status_iIf equal to 1, this flag selects all the objects with a successfully validated and calibrated converged fit (see note about this column on
fit_status_np_gIf equal to 1, this flag selects all the objects with successfully validated and calibrated measurementsINTEGER
fit_status_np_iIf equal to 1, this flag selects all the objects with successfully validated and calibrated measurementsINTEGER
fit_status_np_rIf equal to 1, this flag selects all the objects with successfully validated and calibrated measurementsINTEGER
fit_status_rIf equal to 1, this flag selects all the objects with a successfully validated and calibrated converged fit (see note about this column on
flags_badregionAny badregion information from GOLD footprint/bad regions (one value for all bands)INTEGER
gini_gMeasure of the Gini parameter (see Equation 18 from
gini_iMeasure of the Gini parameter (see Equation 18 from
gini_rMeasure of the Gini parameter (see Equation 18 from
m20_gMeasure of the M20 parameter (see Equation 20 from
m20_iMeasure of the M20 parameter (see Equation 20 from
m20_rMeasure of the M20 parameter (see Equation 20 from
mag_cal_gCalibration correctionREAL
mag_cal_iCalibration correctionREAL
mag_cal_rCalibration correctionREAL
mag_sersic_gGalfit value for the magnitude of the galaxy. The value already includes the calibration listed in the column MAG_CAL_gREAL
mag_sersic_iGalfit value for the magnitude of the galaxy. The value already includes the calibration listed in the column MAG_CAL_iREAL
mag_sersic_rGalfit value for the magnitude of the galaxy. The value already includes the calibration listed in the column MAG_CAL_rREAL
max_overlap_perc_gPercentage of the central galaxy isophotes overlapping with the closest neighbour. 0 if no neighbours or overlapping neighbours. A cut in MAX_OVERLAP_PERC_G < 50 is recommendedREAL
max_overlap_perc_iPercentage of the central galaxy isophotes overlapping with the closest neighbour. 0 if no neighbours or overlapping neighbours. A cut in MAX_OVERLAP_PERC_I < 50 is recommendedREAL
max_overlap_perc_rPercentage of the central galaxy isophotes overlapping with the closest neighbour. 0 if no neighbours or overlapping neighbours. A cut in MAX_OVERLAP_PERC_R < 50 is recommendedREAL
n_sersic_cal_gRelative correction to Galfit output for the Sersic IndexREAL
n_sersic_cal_iRelative correction to Galfit output for the Sersic IndexREAL
n_sersic_cal_rRelative correction to Galfit output for the Sersic IndexREAL
n_sersic_gGalfit output for the Sersic Index. The measure is calibrated. The relative correction is in column N_SERSIC_CAL_GREAL
n_sersic_iGalfit output for the Sersic Index. The measure is calibrated. The relative correction is in column N_SERSIC_CAL_GREAL
n_sersic_rGalfit output for the Sersic Index. The measure is calibrated. The relative correction is in column N_SERSIC_CAL_GREAL
outliers_gIf equal to 1, it labels the objects classified as outliers in the catalog validation processINTEGER
outliers_iIf equal to 1, it labels the objects classified as outliers in the catalog validation processINTEGER
outliers_rIf equal to 1, it labels the objects classified as outliers in the catalog validation processINTEGER
raRight ascension (degrees) taken from the GOLD catalogDOUBLE
re_cal_gCalibration correction to the Galfit measure of the half light radius (or Effective radius) of the galaxyREAL
re_cal_iCalibration correction to the Galfit measure of the half light radius (or Effective radius) of the galaxyREAL
re_cal_rCalibration correction to the Galfit measure of the half light radius (or Effective radius) of the galaxyREAL
re_sersic_gGalfit measure of the half light radius (or Effective radius) of the galaxy. It is expressed in pixels and is already calibrated. The correction is reported in the column RE_CAL_GREAL
re_sersic_iGalfit measure of the half light radius (or Effective radius) of the galaxy. It is expressed in pixels and is already calibrated. The correction is reported in the column RE_CAL_IREAL
re_sersic_rGalfit measure of the half light radius (or Effective radius) of the galaxy. It is expressed in pixels and is already calibrated. The correction is reported in the column RE_CAL_RREAL
selection_flags_g0,1,2,3 or 4 (see details at
selection_flags_i0,1,2,3 or 4 (see details at
selection_flags_r0,1,2,3 or 4 (see details at
sgLinear combination of the star-galaxy classifier SPREAD_MODEL and its uncertainty (see more details at
sn_gSignal-to-noise expressed as the ratio between FLUX_AUTO_g and FLUXERR_AUTO_gREAL
sn_iSignal-to-noise expressed as the ratio between FLUX_AUTO_i and FLUXERR_AUTO_iREAL
sn_rSignal-to-noise expressed as the ratio between FLUX_AUTO_r and FLUXERR_AUTO_rREAL
tilenameTile name where the object liesVARCHAR
warning_flags_central_gNumber of Fitting algorithm degeneraciesINTEGER
warning_flags_central_iNumber of Fitting algorithm degeneraciesINTEGER
warning_flags_central_rNumber of Fitting algorithm degeneraciesINTEGER