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Table: des_dr1.sgsep_validation_masked_v3
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
adaboost_pgalThe star-galaxy classifier using a machine learning framework based on the scikit package, using the SExtractor outputs. Values closer to 1 correspond to galaxies, larger values correspond to starsDOUBLE
adaboost_pgal_mofThe star-galaxy classifier using a machine learning framework based on the scikit package, using the MOF outputs. Values closer to 1 correspond to galaxies, larger values correspond to starsDOUBLE
bpz_zmcA MonteCarlo realization of the redshift of the source, obtained from its photometric redshift PDF from the BPZ code (Benitez 2000)DOUBLE
class_star_iSExtractors neural network star-galaxy classifier (Bertin & Arnouts 1998), measured on the i-band coadd image. 0 - extended. 1 - point sourceDOUBLE
cm_tA size estimator from the MOF pipeline, this is the parameter in the Gaussian mixture model corresponding to the trace of the unweighted second moments matrixDOUBLE
cm_t_errError on CM_TDOUBLE
coadd_objects_idY1A1 unique object IDBIGINT
decObject Dec (J2000)DOUBLE
flags_badregionFlags indicating whether the object lies on a bad region as described in Drlica-Wagner et al. (2018). = 0 is a good choice to get rid of any spurious effectsSMALLINT
galsift_pgal_mofThe star-galaxy classifier using the machine learning method based on MultiClass (Soumagnac et al. 2015), using MOF outputs. Values closer to 1 correspond to galaxies, larger values correspond to starsDOUBLE
mag_auto_gMagnitude estimation in g, for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius [mag]DOUBLE
mag_auto_iMagnitude estimation in i, for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius [mag]DOUBLE
mag_auto_rMagnitude estimation in r, for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius [mag]DOUBLE
mag_auto_zMagnitude estimation in z, for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius [mag]DOUBLE
magerr_auto_iUncertainty in g magnitude estimation, for an elliptical model based on the Kron radius [mag]DOUBLE
modest_classA discrete classifier for objects according to their extendedness, based on SPREAD_MODEL_I, see Drlica-Wagner et al. 2018, Sevilla-Noarbe et al. 2018 for detailsSMALLINT
raObject RA (J2000)DOUBLE
spread_model_iMorphology based classifier based on comparison between a PSF versus exponential-PSF model. Values closer to 0 correspond to stars, larger values correspond to galaxiesDOUBLE
spreaderr_model_iUncertainty in morphology based classifier based on comparison between PSF versus exponential-PSF modelDOUBLE
wavg_spread_model_iSPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged values from single epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavgcalib_mag_psf_gAn estimate of the PSF magnitude in g, using a weighted average of the PSF magnitudes of the individual single epoch detections corresponding to this specific coadd detection (this means that some faint objects will not have a valid value)DOUBLE
wavgcalib_mag_psf_iAn estimate of the PSF magnitude in i, using a weighted average of the PSF magnitudes of the individual single epoch detections corresponding to this specific coadd detection (this means that some faint objects will not have a valid value)DOUBLE
wavgcalib_mag_psf_rAn estimate of the PSF magnitude in r, using a weighted average of the PSF magnitudes of the individual single epoch detections corresponding to this specific coadd detection (this means that some faint objects will not have a valid value)DOUBLE
wavgcalib_mag_psf_zAn estimate of the PSF magnitude in z, using a weighted average of the PSF magnitudes of the individual single epoch detections corresponding to this specific coadd detection (this means that some faint objects will not have a valid value)DOUBLE