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Table: des_dr1.shape_metacal_flux_griz
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
coadd_objects_idY1A1 unique object IDBIGINT
flagsQuality flagging used as bit 2^3 in flags_select. See Table METACALIBRATION flags_select at
flux_err_gThe uncertainty on the g-band fluxDOUBLE
flux_err_iThe uncertainty on the i-band fluxDOUBLE
flux_err_rThe uncertainty on the r-band fluxDOUBLE
flux_err_zThe uncertainty on the z-band fluxDOUBLE
flux_gThe measured g-band flux of the objectDOUBLE
flux_g_1mThe measured g-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_g_1pThe measured g-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_g_2mThe measured g-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_g_2pThe measured g-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_iThe measured i-band flux of the objectDOUBLE
flux_i_1mThe measured i-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_i_1pThe measured i-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_i_2mThe measured i-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_i_2pThe measured i-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_rThe measured r-band flux of the objectDOUBLE
flux_r_1mThe measured r-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_r_1pThe measured r-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_r_2mThe measured r-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_r_2pThe measured r-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_zThe measured z-band flux of the objectDOUBLE
flux_z_1mThe measured z-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_z_1pThe measured z-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g1=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_z_2mThe measured z-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=-0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE
flux_z_2pThe measured z-band flux of the object after applying a shear of g2=0.01 to the image (in the metacal process)DOUBLE