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Table: des_dr1.tile_info
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
cd1_1WCS CD orientation matrix element (1,1): Value: -0.0000730556DOUBLE
cd1_2WCS CD orientation matrix element (1,2): Value: 0DOUBLE
cd2_1WCS CD orientation matrix element (2,1): Value: 0DOUBLE
cd2_2WCS CD orientation matrix element (2,2): Value: 0.0000730556DOUBLE
crossra0Flag tile boundaary crosses RA=0/24. Values: Y or NCHAR
crpix1WCS definition of reference pixel for axis 1DOUBLE
crpix2WCS definition of reference pixel for axis 2DOUBLE
crval1WCS definition of reference pixel value for axis 1. Value: 5000.5DOUBLE
crval2WCS definition of reference pixel value for axis 2. Value: 5000.5DOUBLE
ctype1WCS project used for axus 1. Value: RA---TANCHAR
ctype2WCS project used for axus 1. Value: DEC--TANCHAR
dec_centDeclination of tile centerDOUBLE
dec_sizeExtent of Declination for tileDOUBLE
decc1Declination at Corner 1 of tileDOUBLE
decc2Declination at Corner 2 of tileDOUBLE
decc3Declination at Corner 3 of tileDOUBLE
decc4Declination at Corner 4 of tileDOUBLE
deccmaxMaximum Declination covered in tileDOUBLE
deccminMinimum Declination covered in tileDOUBLE
fits_catalog_detFilename of the served detection FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_catalog_gFilename of the served g-band catalog FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_catalog_iFilename of the served g-band catalog FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_catalog_rFilename of the served r-band catalog FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_catalog_yFilename of the served y-band catalog FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_catalog_zFilename of the served z-band catalog FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_image_detFilename of the served detection FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_image_gFilename of the served g-band image FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_image_iFilename of the served i-band image FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_image_rFilename of the served r-band image FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_image_yFilename of the served y-band image FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
fits_image_zFilename of the served z-band catalog FITS file (from NCSA)CHAR
naxis1WCS definition for number of pixels on axis 1DOUBLE
naxis2WCS definition for number of pixels on axis 2DOUBLE
pixelscaleWCS definition of pixel scale. Value: 0.263 arcsec/pixelDOUBLE
ra_centRight Ascension of tile centerDOUBLE
ra_sizeExtent of Right Ascension for tileDOUBLE
rac1Right Ascension at Corner 1 of tileDOUBLE
rac2Right Ascension at Corner 2 of tileDOUBLE
rac3Right Ascension at Corner 3 of tileDOUBLE
rac4Right Ascension at Corner 4 of tileDOUBLE
racmaxMaximum Right Ascension covered in tileDOUBLE
racminMinimum Right Ascension covered in tileDOUBLE
tiff_color_imageFilename of the TIFF image for the fileCHAR
tilenameTile nameCHAR
udecmaxMaximum unique Dec of objects measured from tileDOUBLE
udecminMinimum unique Dec of objects measured from tileDOUBLE
uramaxMaximum unique RA of objects measured from tileDOUBLE
uraminMinimum unique RA of objects measured from tileDOUBLE

Astro Data Lab