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Table: des_dr2.y6_gold
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
a_fiducial_gSED-independent interstellar extinction based on the E(B - V) reddening maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) in band gDOUBLE
a_fiducial_iSED-independent interstellar extinction based on the E(B - V) reddening maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) in band iDOUBLE
a_fiducial_rSED-independent interstellar extinction based on the E(B - V) reddening maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) in band rDOUBLE
a_fiducial_ySED-independent interstellar extinction based on the E(B - V) reddening maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) in band YDOUBLE
a_fiducial_zSED-independent interstellar extinction based on the E(B - V) reddening maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998) in band zDOUBLE
a_imageDetection image based basic shape parameter; A = semimajor-axisDOUBLE
alphawin_j2000Right Ascension (J2000.0) of the object using a Gaussian window with a FWHM corresponding to the disk containing 50% of the fluxDOUBLE
b_imageDetection image based basic shape parameter; B = semiminor-axisDOUBLE
badpix_fracFraction of pixels in the FITVD fitting region labelled as badDOUBLE
bdf_deblend_flagsShredder deblend flag bits: 1 no deblend, 2 PSF fit failed, 4 initial deblend on coadd failed, 8 multi-fit deblend failedINTEGER
bdf_flagsBDF fit flagsSMALLINT
bdf_flux_cov_1_1Diagonal variance on the BDF flux g bandDOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_1_2Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (g-r)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_1_3Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (g-i)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_1_4Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (g-z)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_1_5Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (g-Y)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_2_1Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (r-g)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_2_2Diagonal variance on the BDF flux r bandDOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_2_3Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (r-i)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_2_4Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (r-z)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_2_5Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (r-Y)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_3_1Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (i-g)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_3_2Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (i-r)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_3_3Diagonal variance on the BDF flux i bandDOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_3_4Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (i-z)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_3_5Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (i-Y)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_4_1Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (z-g)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_4_2Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (z-r)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_4_3Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (z-i)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_4_4Diagonal variance on the BDF flux z bandDOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_4_5Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (z-Y)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_5_1Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (Y-g)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_5_2Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (Y-r)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_5_3Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (Y-i)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_5_4Off-diagonal variance on the BDF flux difference in (Y-z)DOUBLE
bdf_flux_cov_5_5Diagonal variance on the BDF flux Y bandDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_gUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_GDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_g_correctedUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_CORRECTED_GDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_iUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_IDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_i_correctedUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_CORRECTED_IDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_rUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_RDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_r_correctedUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_CORRECTED_RDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_yUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_YDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_y_correctedUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_CORRECTED_YDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_zUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_ZDOUBLE
bdf_flux_err_z_correctedUncertainty on BDF_FLUX_CORRECTED_ZDOUBLE
bdf_flux_gFlux derived with BDF model in g-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphere.DOUBLE
bdf_flux_g_correctedBDF_FLUX_G corrected for interstellar extinction (i.e. de-reddened; top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system).DOUBLE
bdf_flux_iFlux derived with BDF model in i-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphere.DOUBLE
bdf_flux_i_correctedBDF_FLUX_I corrected for interstellar extinction (i.e. de-reddened; top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system).DOUBLE
bdf_flux_rFlux derived with BDF model in r-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphere.DOUBLE
bdf_flux_r_correctedBDF_FLUX_R corrected for interstellar extinction (i.e. de-reddened; top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system).DOUBLE
bdf_flux_yFlux derived with BDF model in Y-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphere.DOUBLE
bdf_flux_y_correctedBDF_FLUX_Y corrected for interstellar extinction (i.e. de-reddened; top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system).DOUBLE
bdf_flux_zFlux derived with BDF model in z-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphere.DOUBLE
bdf_flux_z_correctedBDF_FLUX_Z corrected for interstellar extinction (i.e. de-reddened; top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system).DOUBLE
bdf_fracdevFraction assigned to De Vaucouleurs profile in composite model.DOUBLE
bdf_fracdev_errUncertainty on BDF_FRACDEVDOUBLE
bdf_g_1First component of gamma giving axis ratio and position angle of ellipse fitDOUBLE
bdf_g_2Second component of gamma giving axis ratio and position angle of ellipse fitDOUBLE
bdf_g_cov_1_1Covariance of gamma 1,2 axis ratio and position angle components (1,1) termDOUBLE
bdf_g_cov_1_2Covariance of gamma 1,2 axis ratio and position angle components (1,2) termDOUBLE
bdf_g_cov_2_1Covariance of gamma 1,2 axis ratio and position angle components (2,1) termDOUBLE
bdf_g_cov_2_2Covariance of gamma 1,2 axis ratio and position angle components (2,2) termDOUBLE
bdf_gmr_errUncertainty on g-r color, accounting for covarianceDOUBLE
bdf_imz_errUncertainty on i-z color, accounting for covarianceDOUBLE
bdf_mag_err_gUncertainty on BDF_MAG_GDOUBLE
bdf_mag_err_iUncertainty on BDF_MAG_IDOUBLE
bdf_mag_err_rUncertainty on BDF_MAG_RDOUBLE
bdf_mag_err_yUncertainty on BDF_MAG_YDOUBLE
bdf_mag_err_zUncertainty on BDF_MAG_ZDOUBLE
bdf_mag_gMagnitude measured by FITVD BDF model in g-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphereDOUBLE
bdf_mag_g_correctedBDF_MAG corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system)DOUBLE
bdf_mag_iMagnitude measured by FITVD BDF model in i-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphereDOUBLE
bdf_mag_i_correctedBDF_MAG corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system)DOUBLE
bdf_mag_rMagnitude measured by FITVD BDF model in r-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphereDOUBLE
bdf_mag_r_correctedBDF_MAG corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system)DOUBLE
bdf_mag_yMagnitude measured by FITVD BDF model in Y-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphereDOUBLE
bdf_mag_y_correctedBDF_MAG corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system)DOUBLE
bdf_mag_zMagnitude measured by FITVD BDF model in z-band. No aperture correction, top of atmosphereDOUBLE
bdf_mag_z_correctedBDF_MAG corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system)DOUBLE
bdf_nfevNumber of function evaluations during BDF fit.INTEGER
bdf_ntryNumber of times the fit was attempted.SMALLINT
bdf_pars_1BDF fit parameter 1: row-offset fit position of object in MEDs postage stampDOUBLE
bdf_pars_2BDF fit parameter 2: col-offset fit position of object in MEDs postage stampDOUBLE
bdf_pars_err_1Error on x-offsetDOUBLE
bdf_pars_err_2Error on y-offsetDOUBLE
bdf_rmi_errUncertainty on r-i color, accounting for covarianceDOUBLE
bdf_s2nSignal-to-noise on BDF fit, combining all bandsDOUBLE
bdf_tIntrinsic squared size of best-fit BDF model, before PSF convolutionDOUBLE
bdf_t_errUncertainty on BDF_TDOUBLE
bdf_t_ratioRatio of BDF_T of the object to PSF_T at the location of the object (stars are near zero).DOUBLE
bdf_zmy_errUncertainty on z-Y color, accounting for covarianceDOUBLE
coadd_object_idUnique identifier for the coadded objectsINTEGER
concConcentration index -- values near 0 indicate stellar object, significantly above 0 extendedDOUBLE
conc_flagsFlag for CONC index fit failure (0 = success; 1 = failure)SMALLINT
coverfrac_grizFractional area of HEALPix (nside=4096) pixel covered simultaneously by griz bandsDOUBLE
coverfrac_grizyFractional area of HEALPix (nside=4096) pixel covered simultaneously by grizY bandsDOUBLE
coverfrac_rizFractional area of HEALPix (nside=4096) pixel covered simultaneously by riz bandsDOUBLE
coverfrac_rizyFractional area of HEALPix (nside=4096) pixel covered simultaneously by rizY bandsDOUBLE
decDeclination (J2000.0) with quantized precision for indexing (DELTAWIN_J2000 has full precision but not indexed)DOUBLE
deltawin_j2000Declination (J2000.0) of the object using a Gaussian window with a FWHM corresponding to the disk containing 50% of the fluxDOUBLE
dnf_d1DNF photo-z photometric directional distance to nearest neighbor.DOUBLE
dnf_de1DNF photo-z photometric Euclidean distance to nearest neighbor.DOUBLE
dnf_id1DNF photo-z COADD_OBJECT_ID corresponding to the nearest neighbor in the training sample.INTEGER
dnf_nneighborsDNF photo-z number of neighbors used for the DNF_Z estimateREAL
dnf_zDNF photo-z primary point estimate obtained by fitting to the directional neighborhood. Useful for clasification in tomographic bins.DOUBLE
dnf_zerr_fitDNF photo-z error term derived from the residuals of the regression fitDOUBLE
dnf_zerr_paramDNF photo-z error term due to magnitude/flux uncertainties propagationDOUBLE
dnf_znDNF photo-z nearest neighbor spec-z. Useful for estimating N(z) for a given sample.DOUBLE
dnf_zsigmaDNF photo-z uncertainty estimate from photometric uncertainties and residuals from the neighborhood fitDOUBLE
ebv_sfd98E(B-V) reddening coefficient from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998)DOUBLE
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
erra_imageUncertainty in major axis size, from isophotal modelDOUBLE
errb_imageUncertainty in minor axis size, from isophotal modelDOUBLE
errtheta_imageUncertainty in source position, from isophotal modelDOUBLE
ext_coaddExtended object classification from coadd SourceExtractor measurements. 0: high-confidence stars; 1: candidate stars; 2: mostly galaxies; 3: high-confidence galaxies; -9: No dataSMALLINT
ext_fitvdExtended object classification from FITVD multi-epoch fit. 0: high-confidence stars; 1: candidate stars; 2: mostly galaxies; 3: high confidence galaxies; 4: pure galaxy sample; -9: No dataSMALLINT
ext_mashExtended object classification combined for COADD, WAVG, and FITVD. 0: high-confidence stars; 1: candidate stars; 2: mostly galaxies; 3: high confidence galaxies; 4: pure galaxy sample; -9: No dataSMALLINT
ext_wavgExtended object classification from WAVG single-epoch measurements. 0: high-confidence stars; 1: candidate stars; 2: mostly galaxies; 3: high-confidence galaxies; -9: No dataSMALLINT
ext_xgbExtended object classification based on XGBoost morphological classifier: 0: high-confidence stars; 1: candidate stars; 2: mostly galaxies; 3: high confidence galaxies; 4: pure galaxy sample; -9: No dataSMALLINT
fitvd_flagsFlag for FITVD BDF fit failure (0=success, 1=failure)SMALLINT
flags_footprintFlag describing whether the object is contained in the fiducial footprint of the survey. See Sevilla-Noarbe et al. (2021) for descriptionSMALLINT
flags_foregroundFlag describing whether the object is contained in a region with a foreground astrophysical object. See Sevilla-Noarbe et al. (2021) for description.SMALLINT
flags_goldFlag describing object anomalies. See Sevilla-Noarbe et al. (2021) for description.SMALLINT
flagstrBrief description of BDF quality flag. See Section 3.4 of Bechtol et al. (2025)VARCHAR
flux_radius_gHalf-light radius for the object, from elliptical growth-curve, modeled in 2 dimensions, in g bandDOUBLE
flux_radius_iHalf-light radius for the object, from elliptical growth-curve, modeled in 2 dimensions, in i bandDOUBLE
flux_radius_rHalf-light radius for the object, from elliptical growth-curve, modeled in 2 dimensions, in r bandDOUBLE
flux_radius_yHalf-light radius for the object, from elliptical growth-curve, modeled in 2 dimensions, in Y bandDOUBLE
flux_radius_zHalf-light radius for the object, from elliptical growth-curve, modeled in 2 dimensions, in z bandDOUBLE
fof_idFriends-of-friends shredder group ID numberINTEGER
fof_sizeFriends-of-friends shredder group sizeSMALLINT
gap_flux_err_gUncertainty on Gaussian aperture fluxDOUBLE
gap_flux_err_iUncertainty on Gaussian aperture fluxDOUBLE
gap_flux_err_rUncertainty on Gaussian aperture fluxDOUBLE
gap_flux_err_yUncertainty on Gaussian aperture fluxDOUBLE
gap_flux_err_zUncertainty on Gaussian aperture fluxDOUBLE
gap_flux_gGaussian Aperture fluxes with FWHM=4 arcsecDOUBLE
gap_flux_iGaussian Aperture fluxes with FWHM=4 arcsecDOUBLE
gap_flux_rGaussian Aperture fluxes with FWHM=4 arcsecDOUBLE
gap_flux_yGaussian Aperture fluxes with FWHM=4 arcsecDOUBLE
gap_flux_zGaussian Aperture fluxes with FWHM=4 arcsecDOUBLE
gap_mag_err_gUncertainty on Gaussian aperture magnitudeDOUBLE
gap_mag_err_iUncertainty on Gaussian aperture magnitudeDOUBLE
gap_mag_err_rUncertainty on Gaussian aperture magnitudeDOUBLE
gap_mag_err_yUncertainty on Gaussian aperture magnitudeDOUBLE
gap_mag_err_zUncertainty on Gaussian aperture magnitudeDOUBLE
gap_mag_gMagnitude measured by Gaussian aperture fitDOUBLE
gap_mag_iMagnitude measured by Gaussian aperture fitDOUBLE
gap_mag_rMagnitude measured by Gaussian aperture fitDOUBLE
gap_mag_yMagnitude measured by Gaussian aperture fitDOUBLE
gap_mag_zMagnitude measured by Gaussian aperture fitDOUBLE
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
hpix_1024Healpix index for NSIDE = 1024 in NEST schema for the objectINTEGER
hpix_16384Healpix index for NSIDE = 16384 in NEST schema for the objectBIGINT
hpix_32Healpix index for NSIDE = 32 in NEST schema for the objectSMALLINT
hpix_4096Healpix index for NSIDE = 4096 in NEST schema for the objectINTEGER
hpix_64Healpix index for NSIDE = 64 in NEST schema for the objectINTEGER
htm9Ninth level (~10 arcmin resolution) Hierarchical Triangular Mesh index (Szalay et al. 2007)INTEGER
imaflags_iso_gFlag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels, considering all single epoch images, in g bandSMALLINT
imaflags_iso_iFlag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels, considering all single epoch images, in i bandSMALLINT
imaflags_iso_rFlag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels, considering all single epoch images, in r bandSMALLINT
imaflags_iso_yFlag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels, considering all single epoch images, in Y bandSMALLINT
imaflags_iso_zFlag identifying sources with missing/flagged pixels, considering all single epoch images, in z bandSMALLINT
kron_radiusDetection image luminosity weighted radius for the object, encompassing approximately 90% of the total fluxDOUBLE
mag_aper_4_gMagnitude measured in circular aperture with 1.9488 arcsec diameterDOUBLE
mag_aper_4_iMagnitude measured in circular aperture with 1.9488 arcsec diameterDOUBLE
mag_aper_4_rMagnitude measured in circular aperture with 1.9488 arcsec diameterDOUBLE
mag_aper_4_yMagnitude measured in circular aperture with 1.9488 arcsec diameterDOUBLE
mag_aper_4_zMagnitude measured in circular aperture with 1.9488 arcsec diameterDOUBLE
mag_aper_8_gMagnitude measured in a circular aperture of 22.22 pixels (5.8437 arcsecs) diameter, g bandDOUBLE
mag_aper_8_iMagnitude measured in a circular aperture of 22.22 pixels (5.8437 arcsecs) diameter, i bandDOUBLE
mag_aper_8_rMagnitude measured in a circular aperture of 22.22 pixels (5.8437 arcsecs) diameter, r bandDOUBLE
mag_aper_8_yMagnitude measured in a circular aperture of 22.22 pixels (5.8437 arcsecs) diameter, Y bandDOUBLE
mag_aper_8_zMagnitude measured in a circular aperture of 22.22 pixels (5.8437 arcsecs) diameter, z bandDOUBLE
mag_auto_gMagnitude measurement in an elliptical aperture, shaped by the second moments of the object and scaled by the Kron radius, g bandDOUBLE
mag_auto_iMagnitude measurement in an elliptical aperture, shaped by the second moments of the object and scaled by the Kron radius, i bandDOUBLE
mag_auto_rMagnitude measurement in an elliptical aperture, shaped by the second moments of the object and scaled by the Kron radius, r bandDOUBLE
mag_auto_yMagnitude measurement in an elliptical aperture, shaped by the second moments of the object and scaled by the Kron radius, Y bandDOUBLE
mag_auto_zMagnitude measurement in an elliptical aperture, shaped by the second moments of the object and scaled by the Kron radius, z bandDOUBLE
mag_detmodel_gMagnitude measurement, for a bulge + disk model fit on the detection image, g bandDOUBLE
mag_detmodel_iMagnitude measurement, for a bulge + disk model fit on the detection image, i bandDOUBLE
mag_detmodel_rMagnitude measurement, for a bulge + disk model fit on the detection image, r bandDOUBLE
mag_detmodel_yMagnitude measurement, for a bulge + disk model fit on the detection image, Y bandDOUBLE
mag_detmodel_zMagnitude measurement, for a bulge + disk model fit on the detection image, z bandDOUBLE
magerr_aper_4_gUncertainty in MAG_APER_4_GDOUBLE
magerr_aper_4_iUncertainty in MAG_APER_4_IDOUBLE
magerr_aper_4_rUncertainty in MAG_APER_4_RDOUBLE
magerr_aper_4_yUncertainty in MAG_APER_4_YDOUBLE
magerr_aper_4_zUncertainty in MAG_APER_4_ZDOUBLE
magerr_aper_8_gError in MAG_APER_8_G, scaled from FLUXERR_APER_8DOUBLE
magerr_aper_8_iError in MAG_APER_8_I, scaled from FLUXERR_APER_8DOUBLE
magerr_aper_8_rError in MAG_APER_8_R, scaled from FLUXERR_APER_8DOUBLE
magerr_aper_8_yError in MAG_APER_8_Y, scaled from FLUXERR_APER_8DOUBLE
magerr_aper_8_zError in MAG_APER_8_Z, scaled from FLUXERR_APER_8DOUBLE
magerr_auto_gError in MAG_AUTO_G, scaled from FLUXERR_AUTODOUBLE
magerr_auto_iError in MAG_AUTO_I, scaled from FLUXERR_AUTODOUBLE
magerr_auto_rError in MAG_AUTO_R, scaled from FLUXERR_AUTODOUBLE
magerr_auto_yError in MAG_AUTO_Y, scaled from FLUXERR_AUTODOUBLE
magerr_auto_zError in MAG_AUTO_Z, scaled from FLUXERR_AUTODOUBLE
magerr_detmodel_gError in MAG_DETMODEL_G, scaled from FLUXERR_DETMODELDOUBLE
magerr_detmodel_iError in MAG_DETMODEL_I, scaled from FLUXERR_DETMODELDOUBLE
magerr_detmodel_rError in MAG_DETMODEL_R, scaled from FLUXERR_DETMODELDOUBLE
magerr_detmodel_yError in MAG_DETMODEL_Y, scaled from FLUXERR_DETMODELDOUBLE
magerr_detmodel_zError in MAG_DETMODEL_Z, scaled from FLUXERR_DETMODELDOUBLE
mask_flagsFlag indicating the object was masked, e.g. due to bright star maskingSMALLINT
moly_number_gUnique identifier of the MOLYGON that this object resides in.DOUBLE
moly_number_iUnique identifier of the MOLYGON that this object resides in.DOUBLE
moly_number_rUnique identifier of the MOLYGON that this object resides in.DOUBLE
moly_number_yUnique identifier of the MOLYGON that this object resides in.DOUBLE
moly_number_zUnique identifier of the MOLYGON that this object resides in.DOUBLE
mu_eff_model_gEffective model surface brightness above background. The surface brightness is measured at the isophote which includes half of the flux of the model, above background, in g bandDOUBLE
mu_eff_model_iEffective model surface brightness above background. The surface brightness is measured at the isophote which includes half of the flux of the model, above background, in i bandDOUBLE
mu_eff_model_rEffective model surface brightness above background. The surface brightness is measured at the isophote which includes half of the flux of the model, above background, in r bandDOUBLE
mu_eff_model_yEffective model surface brightness above background. The surface brightness is measured at the isophote which includes half of the flux of the model, above background, in Y bandDOUBLE
mu_eff_model_zEffective model surface brightness above background. The surface brightness is measured at the isophote which includes half of the flux of the model, above background, in z bandDOUBLE
mu_max_gSurface brightness at the brightest pixel in g bandDOUBLE
mu_max_iSurface brightness at the brightest pixel in i bandDOUBLE
mu_max_model_gMaximum surface brightness in g band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_GDOUBLE
mu_max_model_iMaximum surface brightness in i band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_IDOUBLE
mu_max_model_rMaximum surface brightness in r band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_RDOUBLE
mu_max_model_yMaximum surface brightness in Y band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_YDOUBLE
mu_max_model_zMaximum surface brightness in z band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_ZDOUBLE
mu_max_rSurface brightness at the brightest pixel in r bandDOUBLE
mu_max_ySurface brightness at the brightest pixel in Y bandDOUBLE
mu_max_zSurface brightness at the brightest pixel in z bandDOUBLE
mu_mean_model_gMean surface brightness in g band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_GDOUBLE
mu_mean_model_iMean surface brightness in i band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_IDOUBLE
mu_mean_model_rMean surface brightness in r band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_RDOUBLE
mu_mean_model_yMean surface brightness in Y band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_YDOUBLE
mu_mean_model_zMean surface brightness in z band using the whole area inside the isophote used for MU_EFF_MODEL_ZDOUBLE
mu_threshold_gSurface brightness threshold (SExtractor parameter) in g bandDOUBLE
mu_threshold_iSurface brightness threshold (SExtractor parameter) in i bandDOUBLE
mu_threshold_rSurface brightness threshold (SExtractor parameter) in r bandDOUBLE
mu_threshold_ySurface brightness threshold (SExtractor parameter) in Y bandDOUBLE
mu_threshold_zSurface brightness threshold (SExtractor parameter) in z bandDOUBLE
n_images_gNumber of g band exposures at the object location (from the Healpix map)DOUBLE
n_images_iNumber of i band exposures at the object location (from the Healpix map)DOUBLE
n_images_rNumber of r band exposures at the object location (from the Healpix map)DOUBLE
n_images_yNumber of Y band exposures at the object location (from the Healpix map)DOUBLE
n_images_zNumber of z band exposures at the object location (from the Healpix map)DOUBLE
nepochs_gNumber of epochs the source is detected in single epoch imagesSMALLINT
nepochs_iNumber of epochs the source is detected in single epoch imagesSMALLINT
nepochs_rNumber of epochs the source is detected in single epoch imagesSMALLINT
nepochs_yNumber of epochs the source is detected in single epoch imagesSMALLINT
nepochs_zNumber of epochs the source is detected in single epoch imagesSMALLINT
niter_model_gNumber of iterations for convergence in SExtractor model fittingSMALLINT
niter_model_iNumber of iterations for convergence in SExtractor model fittingSMALLINT
niter_model_rNumber of iterations for convergence in SExtractor model fittingSMALLINT
niter_model_yNumber of iterations for convergence in SExtractor model fittingSMALLINT
niter_model_zNumber of iterations for convergence in SExtractor model fittingSMALLINT
object_numberSExtractor unique number for a processing tileINTEGER
parent_numberSExtractor OBJECT_NUMBER of parent object of which this object is a deblended childINTEGER
pfw_attempt_idDESDM internal processing index numberINTEGER
psf_flux_aper_8_gFlux measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened, top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_flux_aper_8_iFlux measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened, top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_flux_aper_8_rFlux measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened, top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_flux_aper_8_yFlux measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened, top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_flux_aper_8_zFlux measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened, top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_flux_err_aper_8_gUncertainty on PSF_FLUX_APER_8_GDOUBLE
psf_flux_err_aper_8_iUncertainty on PSF_FLUX_APER_8_IDOUBLE
psf_flux_err_aper_8_rUncertainty on PSF_FLUX_APER_8_RDOUBLE
psf_flux_err_aper_8_yUncertainty on PSF_FLUX_APER_8_YDOUBLE
psf_flux_err_aper_8_zUncertainty on PSF_FLUX_APER_8_ZDOUBLE
psf_flux_flags_gFlags for FITVD PSF flux measurement: 0=success, 1=bad variance, 512=divide by zero, 1024=degrees of freedom are zeroSMALLINT
psf_flux_flags_iFlags for FITVD PSF flux measurement: 0=success, 1=bad variance, 512=divide by zero, 1024=degrees of freedom are zeroSMALLINT
psf_flux_flags_rFlags for FITVD PSF flux measurement: 0=success, 1=bad variance, 512=divide by zero, 1024=degrees of freedom are zeroSMALLINT
psf_flux_flags_yFlags for FITVD PSF flux measurement: 0=success, 1=bad variance, 512=divide by zero, 1024=degrees of freedom are zeroSMALLINT
psf_flux_flags_zFlags for FITVD PSF flux measurement: 0=success, 1=bad variance, 512=divide by zero, 1024=degrees of freedom are zeroSMALLINT
psf_flux_ratio_aper_8_gPSF aperture correction to put BDF corrected magnitudes onto FGCM photometric systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_ratio_aper_8_iPSF aperture correction to put BDF corrected magnitudes onto FGCM photometric systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_ratio_aper_8_rPSF aperture correction to put BDF corrected magnitudes onto FGCM photometric systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_ratio_aper_8_yPSF aperture correction to put BDF corrected magnitudes onto FGCM photometric systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_ratio_aper_8_zPSF aperture correction to put BDF corrected magnitudes onto FGCM photometric systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_s2n_aper_8_gS/N in PSF flux measurement from FITVD in APER8 systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_s2n_aper_8_iS/N in PSF flux measurement from FITVD in APER8 systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_s2n_aper_8_rS/N in PSF flux measurement from FITVD in APER8 systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_s2n_aper_8_yS/N in PSF flux measurement from FITVD in APER8 systemDOUBLE
psf_flux_s2n_aper_8_zS/N in PSF flux measurement from FITVD in APER8 systemDOUBLE
psf_g_1Ellipticity of the multi-Gaussian model fit to the PSF (component 1) at the location of the objectDOUBLE
psf_g_2Ellipticity of the multi-Gaussian model fit to the PSF (component 2) at the location of the objectDOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_gMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_g_correctedMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system). Recommended for point-source studies.DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_iMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_i_correctedMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system). Recommended for point-source studies.DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_rMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_r_correctedMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system). Recommended for point-source studies.DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_yMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_y_correctedMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system). Recommended for point-source studies.DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_zMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model in APER8 system (reddened top of atmosphere)DOUBLE
psf_mag_aper_8_z_correctedMagnitude measured by FITVD PSF model corrected for interstellar extinction (de-reddened top of Galaxy) and PSF aperture ratio (APER8 system). Recommended for point-source studies.DOUBLE
psf_mag_err_aper_8_gUncertainty in PSF_MAG_APER_8_GDOUBLE
psf_mag_err_aper_8_iUncertainty in PSF_MAG_APER_8_IDOUBLE
psf_mag_err_aper_8_rUncertainty in PSF_MAG_APER_8_RDOUBLE
psf_mag_err_aper_8_yUncertainty in PSF_MAG_APER_8_YDOUBLE
psf_mag_err_aper_8_zUncertainty in PSF_MAG_APER_8_ZDOUBLE
psf_tSquared-size for a multi-Gaussian model fit to the PSF at the location of the objectDOUBLE
raRight Ascension (J2000.0) with quantized precision for indexing (ALPHAWIN_J2000 has full precision but not indexed)DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256Ring-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with NSIDE=256 (~14 arcmin resolution)INTEGER
s_extractor_flags_gSExtractor 16-bit flag parameter which contains basic warnings about the source extraction processSMALLINT
s_extractor_flags_iSExtractor 16-bit flag parameter which contains basic warnings about the source extraction processSMALLINT
s_extractor_flags_rSExtractor 16-bit flag parameter which contains basic warnings about the source extraction processSMALLINT
s_extractor_flags_ySExtractor 16-bit flag parameter which contains basic warnings about the source extraction processSMALLINT
s_extractor_flags_zSExtractor 16-bit flag parameter which contains basic warnings about the source extraction processSMALLINT
spread_model_gMorphology based classifier based on a linear discriminant between the pixel map of the object convolved with the PSF model and the pixel map convolved with a PSF+exponential model. Values closer to 0 correspond to stars, larger values correspond to galaxiesDOUBLE
spread_model_iMorphology based classifier based on a linear discriminant between the pixel map of the object convolved with the PSF model and the pixel map convolved with a PSF+exponential model. Values closer to 0 correspond to stars, larger values correspond to galaxiesDOUBLE
spread_model_rMorphology based classifier based on a linear discriminant between the pixel map of the object convolved with the PSF model and the pixel map convolved with a PSF+exponential model. Values closer to 0 correspond to stars, larger values correspond to galaxiesDOUBLE
spread_model_yMorphology based classifier based on a linear discriminant between the pixel map of the object convolved with the PSF model and the pixel map convolved with a PSF+exponential model. Values closer to 0 correspond to stars, larger values correspond to galaxiesDOUBLE
spread_model_zMorphology based classifier based on a linear discriminant between the pixel map of the object convolved with the PSF model and the pixel map convolved with a PSF+exponential model. Values closer to 0 correspond to stars, larger values correspond to galaxiesDOUBLE
spreaderr_model_gUncertainty in SPREAD_MODEL_GDOUBLE
spreaderr_model_iUncertainty in SPREAD_MODEL_IDOUBLE
spreaderr_model_rUncertainty in SPREAD_MODEL_RDOUBLE
spreaderr_model_yUncertainty in SPREAD_MODEL_YDOUBLE
spreaderr_model_zUncertainty in SPREAD_MODEL_ZDOUBLE
theta_j2000Position angle of the ellipse fit to the object with the N/S/E/W axes in equatorial J2000 coordinates, from non-windowed measurement. THETA_J2000 = THETA_IMAGE-90(MOD 180)DOUBLE
tilenameIdentifier of each one of the tiles on which the survey is gridded for data processingVARCHAR
wavg_mag_psf_gMagnitude measured by weighted-average of PSF fit to single-epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_mag_psf_iMagnitude measured by weighted-average of PSF fit to single-epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_mag_psf_rMagnitude measured by weighted-average of PSF fit to single-epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_mag_psf_yMagnitude measured by weighted-average of PSF fit to single-epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_mag_psf_zMagnitude measured by weighted-average of PSF fit to single-epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_magerr_psf_gUncertainty in WAVG_MAG_PSF_GDOUBLE
wavg_magerr_psf_iUncertainty in WAVG_MAG_PSF_IDOUBLE
wavg_magerr_psf_rUncertainty in WAVG_MAG_PSF_RDOUBLE
wavg_magerr_psf_yUncertainty in WAVG_MAG_PSF_YDOUBLE
wavg_magerr_psf_zUncertainty in WAVG_MAG_PSF_ZDOUBLE
wavg_spread_model_gSPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged values from single epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_spread_model_iSPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged values from single epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_spread_model_rSPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged values from single epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_spread_model_ySPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged values from single epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_spread_model_zSPREAD MODEL using the weighted averaged values from single epoch detectionsDOUBLE
wavg_spreaderr_model_gUncertainty in WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_GDOUBLE
wavg_spreaderr_model_iUncertainty in WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_IDOUBLE
wavg_spreaderr_model_rUncertainty in WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_RDOUBLE
wavg_spreaderr_model_yUncertainty in WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_YDOUBLE
wavg_spreaderr_model_zUncertainty in WAVG_SPREAD_MODEL_ZDOUBLE
xgb_predOutput pseudo-probability of the XGBoost star/galaxy classifer. Galaxies have XGB_PRED ~ 0 and stars have XGB_PRED ~ 1. See Section 4.2 of Bechtol et al. (2025).DOUBLE
xwin_imageX position of the barycenter of the object within the image using a Gaussian window with a FWHM corresponding to the radius of the aperture containing 50% of the fluxDOUBLE
ywin_imageY position of the barycenter of the object within the image using a Gaussian window with a FWHM corresponding to the radius of the aperture containing 50% of the fluxDOUBLE