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Table: des_sva1.redmagic_bright
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
chisqchi^2 of fit to redMaGiC templateREAL
coadd_objects_idUnique object identifier (can be used to match against other SVA1 catalogs)BIGINT
dec_j2000Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)DOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)BIGINT
mabs_err_gError on absolute magnitude in gREAL
mabs_err_iError on absolute magnitude in iREAL
mabs_err_rError on absolute magnitude in rREAL
mabs_err_zError on absolute magnitude in zREAL
mabs_gAbsolute magnitude in g (k-corrected to z=0.1)REAL
mabs_iAbsolute magnitude in iREAL
mabs_rAbsolute magnitude in rREAL
mabs_zAbsolute magnitude in zREAL
mag_auto_gg MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)REAL
mag_auto_ii MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)REAL
mag_auto_rr MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)REAL
mag_auto_zz MAG_AUTO magnitude for most likely central galaxy (SLR corrected)REAL
magerr_auto_gerror on g MAG_AUTO magnitudeREAL
magerr_auto_ierror on i MAG_AUTO magnitudeREAL
magerr_auto_rerror on r MAG_AUTO magnitudeREAL
magerr_auto_zerror on z MAG_AUTO magnitudeREAL
nest256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256 => ~14 arcmin size)BIGINT
ra_j2000Right ascension in decimal degrees (J2000)DOUBLE
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256 => ~14 arcmin size)BIGINT
z_specspectroscopic redshift (-1.0 if not available)REAL
zlumz band luminosity, units of L_*REAL
zredmagicredMaGiC photometric redshiftREAL
zredmagic_errerror on redMaGiC photometric redshiftREAL