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Table: desi_edr.exposure
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
airmass | Average airmass during this exposure | REAL |
airmass_gfa | Average airmass during this exposure as measured by GFA | DOUBLE |
bgs_efftime_bright | Effective exposure time for nominal bright conditions inferred for BGS targets | REAL |
date_obs | [UTC] Observation data and start time | VARCHAR |
ebv | Galactic extinction E(B-V) reddening from SFD98 | DOUBLE |
efftime_backup_gfa | Effective exposure time for nominal backup conditions inferred from GFA data | DOUBLE |
efftime_bright_gfa | Effective exposure time for nominal bright conditions inferred from GFA data | DOUBLE |
efftime_dark_gfa | Effective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred from GFA data | DOUBLE |
efftime_etc | Effective exposure time for nominal conditions inferred from ETC data | REAL |
efftime_gfa | Effective exposure time for nominal conditions derived from exposure GFA data | DOUBLE |
efftime_spec | Effective exposure time for nominal conditions derived from the TSNR2 fits to the spectroscopy | DOUBLE |
elg_efftime_dark | Effective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for ELG targets | REAL |
expid | DESI Exposure ID number | INTEGER |
exptime | Length of time shutter was open | DOUBLE |
faflavor | Fiberassign flavor name | VARCHAR |
faprgrm | Fiberassign program name | VARCHAR |
fiber_fracflux_bgs_gfa | Fraction of the flux entering the fiber relative to nominal 1.1 arcsec seeing using the PSF inferred from the GFAs for a source with a BGS profile (deV profile half light radius of 1.5 arcsec) | DOUBLE |
fiber_fracflux_elg_gfa | Fraction of the flux entering the fiber relative to nominal 1.1 arcsec seeing using the PSF inferred from the GFAs for a source with an ELG profile (0.45 arcsec exponential galaxy profile) | DOUBLE |
fiber_fracflux_gfa | Fraction of the flux entering the fiber relative to nominal 1.1 arcsec seeing using the PSF inferred from the GFAs | DOUBLE |
fiberfac_bgs_gfa | Same as FIBERFAC_GFA except for a BGS profile | DOUBLE |
fiberfac_elg_gfa | Same as FIBERFAC_GFA except for an ELG profile | DOUBLE |
fiberfac_gfa | Fraction of light entering a fiber relative to expectations for 1.1 arcsec seeing, transparency 1, for an object with a PSF profile, measured by comparing the flux integrated over a 107 micron diameter circle on the GFA images centered at the PlateMaker expectations for where stars should land | DOUBLE |
goaltime | Goal for total effective exposure time for the tile | SMALLINT |
goaltype | The intended observing conditions for the tile | VARCHAR |
gpb_efftime_backup | Effective exposure time for nominal backup conditions inferred for GPB targets | REAL |
gpb_efftime_bright | Effective exposure time for nominal bright conditions inferred for GPB targets | REAL |
gpb_efftime_dark | Effective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for GPB targets | REAL |
lrg_efftime_dark | Effective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for LRG targets | REAL |
lya_efftime_dark | Effective exposure time for nominal dark conditions inferred for LYA targets | DOUBLE |
mintfrac | Minimum fraction of GOALTIME acceptable for considering a tile complete | REAL |
mjd | Modified Julian Date when shutter was opened for this exposure | DOUBLE |
night | Observing night | INTEGER |
program | DESI program type - BRIGHT, DARK, or BACKUP | VARCHAR |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique) | REAL |
seeing_etc | Average FWHM atmospheric seeing during this exposure as measured by ETC | DOUBLE |
seeing_gfa | Average FWHM atmospheric seeing during this exposure as measured by GFA | DOUBLE |
sky_mag_ab_gfa | Sky background in the GFA passband, measured from the GFA backgrounds | DOUBLE |
sky_mag_g_spec | Sky background measured in the spectroscopy integrated over the DECam g passband, AB mags | DOUBLE |
sky_mag_r_spec | Sky background measured in the spectroscopy integrated over the DECam r passband, AB mags | DOUBLE |
sky_mag_z_spec | Sky background measured in the spectroscopy integrated over the DECam z passband, AB mags | DOUBLE |
survey | Survey name | VARCHAR |
tiledec | DEC of tile given in fiberassign file | DOUBLE |
tileid | Unique DESI tile ID | INTEGER |
tilera | RA of tile given in fiberassign file | DOUBLE |
transparency_gfa | Average airmass during this exposure as measured by GFA | DOUBLE |
tsnr2_bgs | BGS template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |
tsnr2_elg | ELG template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |
tsnr2_gpbbackup | GPBBACKUP template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |
tsnr2_gpbbright | GPBBRIGHT template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |
tsnr2_gpbdark | GPBDARK template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |
tsnr2_lrg | LRG template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |
tsnr2_lya | LYA template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | DOUBLE |
tsnr2_qso | QSO template (S/N)^2 summed over B, R, Z | REAL |