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Table: dltest.object
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
bigid | BIGINT | |
chi | REAL | |
dec | DOUBLE | |
decerr | REAL | |
decscatter | REAL | |
depthflag | SMALLINT | |
ebv | REAL | |
elat | DOUBLE | |
elon | DOUBLE | |
flag | SMALLINT | |
gerr | REAL | |
glat | DOUBLE | |
glon | DOUBLE | |
gmag | REAL | |
gscatter | REAL | |
htm9 | INTEGER | |
id | VARCHAR | |
ierr | REAL | |
imag | REAL | |
iscatter | REAL | |
ndet | SMALLINT | |
ndetg | SMALLINT | |
ndeti | SMALLINT | |
ndetr | SMALLINT | |
ndetu | SMALLINT | |
ndetz | SMALLINT | |
nest4096 | INTEGER | |
prob | REAL | |
ra | DOUBLE | |
raerr | REAL | |
random_id | REAL | |
rascatter | REAL | |
rerr | REAL | |
ring256 | INTEGER | |
rmag | REAL | |
rscatter | REAL | |
sharp | REAL | |
uerr | REAL | |
ugrizerr | REAL | |
ugrizmag | REAL | |
ugrizndet | SMALLINT | |
ugrizscatter | REAL | |
umag | REAL | |
uscatter | REAL | |
zerr | REAL | |
zmag | REAL | |
zscatter | REAL |