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Table: euclid_ero.ngc6822_vis
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
a_imageProfile RMS along major axisREAL
alpha_b1950Right ascension of barycenter (B1950)DOUBLE
alpha_j2000Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)DOUBLE
alpha_skyRight ascension of barycenter (native)DOUBLE
alphapeak_b1950Right ascension of brightest pix (B1950)DOUBLE
alphapeak_j2000Right ascension of brightest pix (J2000)DOUBLE
alphapeak_skyRight ascension of brightest pix (native)DOUBLE
alphapsf_j2000Right ascension of the fitted PSF (J2000)DOUBLE
awin_imageWindowed profile RMS along major axisREAL
b_imageProfile RMS along minor axisREAL
backgroundBackground at centroid positionREAL
bandFilter band (Y, J, H, or I)CHAR
bwin_imageWindowed profile RMS along minor axisREAL
chi2_modelReduced Chi2 of the fitREAL
class_starS/G classifier outputREAL
cxx_imageCxx object ellipse parameterREAL
cxxmodel_imageCxx ellipse parameter from model-fittingREAL
cxxwin_imageWindowed Cxx object ellipse parameterREAL
cxy_imageCxy object ellipse parameterREAL
cxymodel_imageCxy ellipse parameter from model-fittingREAL
cxywin_imageWindowed Cxy object ellipse parameterREAL
cyy_imageCyy object ellipse parameterREAL
cyymodel_imageCyy ellipse parameter from model-fittinhREAL
cyywin_imageWindowed Cyy object ellipse parameterREAL
delta_b1950Declination of barycenter (B1950)DOUBLE
delta_j2000Declination of barycenter (J2000)DOUBLE
delta_skyDeclination of barycenter (native)DOUBLE
deltapeak_b1950Declination of brightest pix (B1950)DOUBLE
deltapeak_j2000Declination of brightest pix (J2000)DOUBLE
deltapeak_skyDeclination of brightest pix (native)DOUBLE
deltapsf_j2000Declination of the fitted PSF (J2000)DOUBLE
disk_inclinationDisk inclination from fittingREAL
disk_inclinationerrRMS error on disk inclination from fittingREAL
disk_theta_imageDisk position angle (CCW/x) from fittingREAL
disk_thetaerr_imageRMS error on fitted disk position angleREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
ellipticity1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGEREAL
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
erra_imageRMS position error along major axisREAL
errawin_imageRMS windowed pos error along major axisREAL
errb_imageRMS position error along minor axisREAL
errbwin_imageRMS windowed pos error along minor axisREAL
errcxx_imageCxx error ellipse parameterREAL
errcxxwin_imageCxx windowed error ellipse parameterREAL
errcxy_imageCxy error ellipse parameterREAL
errcxywin_imageCxy windowed error ellipse parameterREAL
errcyy_imageCyy error ellipse parameterREAL
errcyywin_imageCyy windowed error ellipse parameterREAL
errtheta_imageError ellipse position angle (CCW/x)REAL
errthetawin_imageWindowed error ellipse pos angle (CCW/x)REAL
errx2_imageVariance of position along xDOUBLE
errx2win_imageVariance of windowed pos along xDOUBLE
errxy_imageCovariance of position between x and yDOUBLE
errxywin_imageCovariance of windowed pos between x and yDOUBLE
erry2_imageVariance of position along yDOUBLE
erry2win_imageVariance of windowed pos along yDOUBLE
ext_numberFITS extension numberSMALLINT
flux_aper_1Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_10Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_2Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_3Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_4Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_5Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_6Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_7Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_8Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_aper_9Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)REAL
flux_autoFlux within a Kron-like elliptical apertureREAL
flux_diskDisk total flux from fittingREAL
flux_eff_modelEffective model flux above backgroundREAL
flux_growthCumulated growth-curveREAL
flux_growthstepStep for growth-curvesREAL
flux_isoIsophotal fluxREAL
flux_isocorCorrected isophotal fluxREAL
flux_max_modelPeak model flux above backgroundREAL
flux_mean_modelMean effective model flux above backgroundREAL
flux_modelFlux from model-fittingREAL
flux_petroFlux within a Petrosian-like elliptical apertureREAL
flux_pointsourcePoint source flux from fittingREAL
flux_psfFlux from PSF-fittingREAL
flux_radiusFraction-of-light radiiREAL
flux_spheroidSpheroid total flux from fittingREAL
fluxerr_aper_1RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_10RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_2RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_3RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_4RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_5RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_6RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_7RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_8RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_aper_9RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)REAL
fluxerr_autoRMS error for AUTO fluxREAL
fluxerr_diskRMS error on fitted disk total fluxREAL
fluxerr_isoRMS error for isophotal fluxREAL
fluxerr_isocorRMS error for corrected isophotal fluxREAL
fluxerr_modelRMS error on model-fitting fluxREAL
fluxerr_petroRMS error for PETROsian fluxREAL
fluxerr_pointsourceRMS error on fitted point source total fluxREAL
fluxerr_psfRMS flux error for PSF-fittingREAL
fluxerr_spheroidRMS error on fitted spheroid total fluxREAL
fwhm_imageFWHM assuming a gaussian coreREAL
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9=>~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
id_parentParent ID (before deblending)INTEGER
isoarea_imageIsophotal area above Analysis thresholdINTEGER
isoareaf_imageIsophotal area (filtered) above Detection thresholdINTEGER
kron_radiusKron apertures in units of A or BREAL
mag_aper_1Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_10Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_2Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_3Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_4Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_5Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_6Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_7Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_8Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_aper_9Fixed aperture magnitude vectorREAL
mag_autoKron-like elliptical aperture magnitudeREAL
mag_diskDisk total magnitude from fittingREAL
mag_growthCumulated magnitude growth-curveREAL
mag_growthstepStep for growth-curvesREAL
mag_isoIsophotal magnitudeREAL
mag_isocorCorrected isophotal magnitudeREAL
mag_modelMagnitude from model-fittingREAL
mag_petroPetrosian-like elliptical aperture magnitudeREAL
mag_pointsourcePoint source total magnitude from fittingREAL
mag_psfMagnitude from PSF-fittingREAL
mag_spheroidSpheroid total magnitude from fittingREAL
magerr_aper_1RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_10RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_2RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_3RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_4RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_5RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_6RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_7RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_8RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_aper_9RMS error vector for fixed aperture magREAL
magerr_autoRMS error for AUTO magnitudeREAL
magerr_diskRMS error on fitted disk total magnitudeREAL
magerr_isoRMS error for isophotal magnitudeREAL
magerr_isocorRMS error for corrected isophotal magnitudeREAL
magerr_modelRMS error on model-fitting magnitudeREAL
magerr_petroRMS error for PETROsian magnitudeREAL
magerr_pointsourceRMS error on fitted point source total magnitudeREAL
magerr_psfRMS magnitude error from PSF-fittingREAL
magerr_spheroidRMS error on fitted spheroid total magnitudeREAL
mu_eff_diskEffective disk surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_eff_modelEffective model surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_eff_spheroidEffective spheroid surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_maxPeak surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_max_diskPeak disk surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_max_modelPeak model surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_max_spheroidPeak spheroid surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_mean_diskMean effective disk surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_mean_modelMean effective model surface brightness above backgroundREAL
mu_mean_spheroidMean effective spheroid surface brightness above backgrounREAL
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme=>~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
niter_modelNumber of iterations for model-fittingSMALLINT
noisearea_modelEquivalent noise area of the fitted modelREAL
numberRunning object numberINTEGER
petro_radiusPetrosian apertures in units of A or BREAL
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256=>~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
spheroid_reff_imageSpheroid effective radius from fittingREAL
spheroid_refferr_imageRMS error on fitted spheroid effective radiusREAL
spheroid_sersicnSpheroid Sersic index from fittingREAL
spheroid_sersicnerrRMS error on fitted spheroid Sersic indexREAL
spheroid_theta_imageSpheroid position angle (CCW/x) from fittingREAL
spheroid_thetaerr_imagRMS error on spheroid position angleREAL
spread_modelSpread parameter from model-fittingREAL
spreaderr_modelSpread parameter error from model-fittingREAL
theta_imagePosition angle (CCW/x)REAL
thetawin_imageWindowed position angle (CCW/x)REAL
x2_imageVariance along xDOUBLE
x2win_imageWindowed variance along xDOUBLE
x_focalBarycenter position along focal-plane x axisDOUBLE
x_imageObject position along xREAL
x_worldBarycenter position along world x axisDOUBLE
xmax_imageMaximum x-coordinate among detected pixelsINTEGER
xmin_imageMinimum x-coordinate among detected pixelsINTEGER
xmodel_imageX coordinate from model-fittingDOUBLE
xpeak_focalFocal-plane x coordinate of the brightest pixelDOUBLE
xpeak_imagex-coordinate of the brightest pixelINTEGER
xpeak_worldWorld-x coordinate of the brightest pixelDOUBLE
xpsf_imageX coordinate from PSF-fittingDOUBLE
xwin_imageWindowed position estimate along xDOUBLE
xy_imageCovariance between x and yDOUBLE
xywin_imageWindowed covariance between x and yDOUBLE
y2_imageVariance along yDOUBLE
y2win_imageWindowed variance along yDOUBLE
y_focalBarycenter position along focal-plane y axisDOUBLE
y_imageObject position along yREAL
y_worldBarycenter position along world y axisDOUBLE
ymax_imageMaximum y-coordinate among detected pixelsINTEGER
ymin_imageMinimum y-coordinate among detected pixelsINTEGER
ymodel_imageY coordinate from model-fittingDOUBLE
ypeak_focalFocal-plane y coordinate of the brightest pixelDOUBLE
ypeak_imagey-coordinate of the brightest pixelINTEGER
ypeak_worldWorld-y coordinate of the brightest pixelDOUBLE
ypsf_imageY coordinate from PSF-fittingDOUBLE
ywin_imageWindowed position estimate along yDOUBLE