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Table: gaia_dr2.rmseg
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
recnoRecord number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification.INTEGER
segments_a0_termConstant term (A0) of linear fit in segmentDOUBLE
segments_a0_term_errorError in constant term (A0) of linear fit in segmentDOUBLE
segments_activity_indexActivity Index in segmentDOUBLE
segments_activity_index_errorError in activity Index in segmentDOUBLE
segments_bp_unspottedThe unspotted BP magnitude in segmentDOUBLE
segments_bp_unspotted_errorError in the unspotted BP magnitude in segmentDOUBLE
segments_colour_mag_interceptColour-Magnitude Intercept in segmentDOUBLE
segments_colour_mag_intercept_errorError in Colour-Magnitude Intercept in segmentDOUBLE
segments_colour_mag_slopeColour-Magnitude Slope in segmentsDOUBLE
segments_colour_mag_slope_errorError in colour-Magnitude Slope in segmentsDOUBLE
segments_correlation_coefficientCorrelation coefficient in segmentDOUBLE
segments_correlation_significanceCorrelation coefficient significance in segmentDOUBLE
segments_cos_termCoefficient of cosine term of linear fit in segmentDOUBLE
segments_cos_term_errorError in coefficient of cosine term of linear fit in segmentDOUBLE
segments_end_timeTime at which segments end (JD-2455197.5)DOUBLE
segments_g_unspottedThe unspotted G magnitude in segmentDOUBLE
segments_g_unspotted_errorError in the unspotted G magnitude in segmentDOUBLE
segments_rotation_periodRotation period in segmentDOUBLE
segments_rotation_period_errorError in rotation period in segmentDOUBLE
segments_rotation_period_fapFAP on rotation period in segmentDOUBLE
segments_rp_unspottedThe unspotted RP magnitude in segmentDOUBLE
segments_rp_unspotted_errorError in the unspotted RP magnitude in segmentDOUBLE
segments_sin_termCoefficient of sin term of linear fit in segmentDOUBLE
segments_sin_term_errorError in coefficient of sin term of linear fit in segmentDOUBLE
segments_start_timeTime at which segments start (JD-2455197.5)DOUBLE
source_idUnique source identifierBIGINT