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Table: gaia_dr2.shortts
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
amplitude_estimateAmplitude estimate of all per CCD G-band photometry (quantile(95%)-quantile(5%))DOUBLE
frequencyFrequency search result for either G CCD, G FoV, BP or RP photometry (Null if no periodicity detected)DOUBLE
mean_of_fov_abbe_valuesMean of per-FOV Abbe values derived from CCD G-band photometryDOUBLE
number_of_fov_transitsNumber of FoV transits with more than 7 CCD measurements after time series cleaningINTEGER
solution_idSolution IdentifierBIGINT
source_idUnique source identifierBIGINT
variogram_char_timescalesCharacteristic time scales of variabilityDOUBLE
variogram_num_pointsNumber of points in the variogramINTEGER
variogram_valuesVariogram values associated with the variogramCharTimescalesDOUBLE