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Table: gaia_dr3.astrophysical_parameters
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
abp_gspphot | Extinction in G_BP band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
abp_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G_BP band from GSP- Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
abp_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G_BP band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
ag_gspphot | Extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
ag_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
ag_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
alphafe_gspspec | Abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
alphafe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
alphafe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of alpha-elements [alpha/Fe] with respect to iron from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
arp_gspphot | Extinction in G_RP band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
arp_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G_RP band from GSP- Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
arp_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G_RP band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
azero_gspphot | Monochromatic extinction A0 at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
azero_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction A0 at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
azero_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction A0 at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
cafe_gspspec | Abundance of calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in cafe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
cafe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Ca/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in cafe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
cafe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
cafe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Ca/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
cafe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of calcium [Ca/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
cefe_gspspec | Abundance of cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in cefe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
cefe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Ce/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in cefe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
cefe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
cefe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Ce/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
cefe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of cerium [Ce/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
classprob_dsc_allosmod_galaxy | Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a galaxy (data used: photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_allosmod_quasar | Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a quasar (data used: photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_allosmod_star | Probability from DSC-Allosmod of being a star (data used: photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_combmod_binarystar | Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a bi- nary star (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy | Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar | Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_combmod_star | Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_combmod_whitedwarf | Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a white dwarf (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_specmod_binarystar | Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a binary star (data used: BP/RP spectrum) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_specmod_galaxy | Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_specmod_quasar | Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_specmod_star | Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum) | REAL |
classprob_dsc_specmod_whitedwarf | Probability from DSC-Specmod of being a white dwarf (data used: BP/RP spectrum) | REAL |
cn0_gspspec_centralline | Central wavelength of cyanogen line, derived from RVS spectra using DIB algorithm (nm) | REAL |
cn0_gspspec_width | Width of cyoanogen line, derived from RVS spectra using DIB algorithm (nm) | REAL |
cn0ew_gspspec | Equivalent width of cyanogen absorption line, derived from RVS spectra (nm) | REAL |
cn0ew_gspspec_uncertainty | Uncertainty of equivalent witdh of cyanogen absorption line, derived from RVS spectra (nm) | REAL |
crfe_gspspec | Abundance of chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in crfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
crfe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Cr/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in crfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
crfe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
crfe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Cr/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
crfe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of chromium [Cr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
dib_gspspec_lambda | DIB central wavelength from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra (nm) | REAL |
dib_gspspec_lambda_uncertainty | Uncertainty on DIB central wavelength from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra (nm) | REAL |
dibew_gspspec | Equivalent width of the DIB from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra (Angstrom) | REAL |
dibew_gspspec_uncertainty | Global uncertainty on DIB equivalent width value using DIB algorithm (Angstrom) | REAL |
dibewnoise_gspspec_uncertainty | Uncertainty on DIB equivalent width value occuring from noise part (Angstrom) | REAL |
dibp0_gspspec | Depth (p_0 parameter) of the DIB derived from a Gaussian model fit | REAL |
dibp2_gspspec | Width (p_2 parameter) of the DIB derived from a Gaussian model fit (Angstrom) | REAL |
dibp2_gspspec_uncertainty | Uncertainty on the dibp2_gspspec parameter (Angstrom) | REAL |
dibqf_gspspec | Quality flag of the DIB computation | INTEGER |
distance_gspphot | Distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Length & Distance[pc]) | REAL |
distance_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Length & Distance[pc]) | REAL |
distance_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Length & Distance[pc]) | REAL |
ebpminrp_gspphot | Reddening E(G_BP - G_RP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
ebpminrp_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of reddening E(G_BP - G_RP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
ebpminrp_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of reddening E(G_BP - G_RP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag]) | REAL |
feiim_gspspec | Abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in feiim_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
feiim_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [FeII/M] abundance using N lines of the element, given in feiim_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
feiim_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP- Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
feiim_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [FeII/M] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
feiim_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of ionised iron [FeII/M] from GSP- Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
fem_gspspec | Abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in fem_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
fem_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Fe/M] abundance using N lines of the element, given in fem_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
fem_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
fem_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Fe/M] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
fem_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of neutral iron [Fe/M] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
flags_gspspec | Catalogue flags for GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin | CHAR |
libname_gspphot | Name of library that achieves the highest mean log-posterior in MCMC samples and was used to derive GSP-Phot parameters in this table | CHAR |
logg_gspphot | Surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
logg_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (GravitySurface[log cgs]) | REAL |
logg_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (GravitySurface[log cgs]) | REAL |
logg_gspspec | Logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
logg_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
logg_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the logarithm of the stellar surface gravity from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
logposterior_gspphot | Goodness-of-fit score (mean log-posterior of MCMC) of GSP-Phot Aeneas MCMC best library | REAL |
mcmcaccept_gspphot | MCMC acceptance rate of GSP-Phot Aeneas MCMC best library | REAL |
mg_gspphot | Absolute magnitude M_G from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
mg_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of absolute magnitude M_G from GSP- Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
mg_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of absolute magnitude M_G from GSP- Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
mgfe_gspspec | Abundance of magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in mgfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
mgfe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Mg/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in mgfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
mgfe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP- Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
mgfe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Mg/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
mgfe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of magnesium [Mg/Fe] from GSP- Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
mh_gspphot | Iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Abundances[dex]) | REAL |
mh_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Abundances[dex]) | REAL |
mh_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Abundances[dex]) | REAL |
mh_gspspec | Global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
mh_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec Matis- seGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
mh_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of global metallicity [M/H] from GSP-Spec MatisseGau- guin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
ndfe_gspspec | Abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in ndfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
ndfe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Nd/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in ndfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
ndfe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP- Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
ndfe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Nd/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
ndfe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of neodymium [Nd/Fe] from GSP- Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
nfe_gspspec | Abundance of nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in nfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
nfe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [N/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in nfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
nfe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
nfe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [N/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
nfe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of nitrogen [N/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
nife_gspspec | Abundance of nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in nife_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
nife_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Ni/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in nife_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
nife_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
nife_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Ni/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
nife_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of nickel [Ni/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
radius_gspphot | Radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
radius_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
radius_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of radius from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra | REAL |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique) | REAL |
sfe_gspspec | Abundance of sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in sfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
sfe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [S/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in sfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
sfe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
sfe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [S/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
sfe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of sulphur [S/Fe] from GSP-Spec Ma- tisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
sife_gspspec | Abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in sife_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
sife_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Si/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in sife_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
sife_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
sife_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Si/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
sife_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of silicon [Si/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
solution_id | Solution Identifier. To decode a given solution ID visit | BIGINT |
source_id | Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release) | BIGINT |
teff_gspphot | Effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Temperature[K]) | REAL |
teff_gspphot_lower | Lower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature from GSP- Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Temperature[K]) | REAL |
teff_gspphot_upper | Upper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Temperature[K]) | REAL |
teff_gspspec | Effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
teff_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGau- guin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
teff_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of effective temperature from GSP-Spec MatisseGau- guin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
tife_gspspec | Abundance of titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in tife_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
tife_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Ti/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in tife_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
tife_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
tife_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Ti/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
tife_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of titanium [Ti/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
zrfe_gspspec | Abundance of zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations, applied to the individual N lines of the element, given in zrfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
zrfe_gspspec_linescatter | Uncertainty estimation of [Zr/Fe] abundance using N lines of the element, given in zrfe_gspspec_nlines | REAL |
zrfe_gspspec_lower | 16th percentile of the abundance of zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |
zrfe_gspspec_nlines | Number of lines used for [Zr/Fe] abundance estimation | INTEGER |
zrfe_gspspec_upper | 84th percentile of the abundance of zirconium [Zr/Fe] from GSP-Spec MatisseGauguin using RVS spectra and Monte Carlo realisations | REAL |