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Table: gaia_dr3.gaia_source
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
ag_gspphotExtinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
ag_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
ag_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of extinction in G band from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
astrometric_chi2_alAL chi-square value Astrometric goodness-of-fit (χ2)REAL
astrometric_excess_noiseExcess noise of the source Angle[mas]REAL
astrometric_excess_noise_sigSignificance of excess noiseREAL
astrometric_gof_alGoodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observationsREAL
astrometric_matched_transitsMatched FOV transits used in the AGIS solutionSMALLINT
astrometric_n_bad_obs_alNumber of bad observations ALSMALLINT
astrometric_n_good_obs_alNumber of good observations ALSMALLINT
astrometric_n_obs_acTotal number of observations ACSMALLINT
astrometric_n_obs_alTotal number of observations ALSMALLINT
astrometric_params_solvedWhich parameters have been solved for [byte]SMALLINT
astrometric_primary_flagFlag indicating if this source was used as a primary source (true) or secondary source (false)CHAR
astrometric_sigma5d_maxMatched FOV transits used in the AGIS solutionREAL
azero_gspphotMonochromatic extinction A0 at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
azero_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of monochromatic extinction A0 at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
azero_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of monochromatic extinction A0 at 547.7nm from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
bGalactic latitude Angle[deg]DOUBLE
bp_gBP - G colour Magnitude[mag]DOUBLE
bp_rpBP - RP colour Magnitude[mag]REAL
classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxyProbability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)REAL
classprob_dsc_combmod_quasarProbability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)REAL
classprob_dsc_combmod_starProbability from DSC-Combmod of being a single star (but not a white dwarf) (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry)REAL
decDeclination Angle[deg]DOUBLE
dec_errorStandard error of declination Angle[mas]REAL
dec_parallax_corrCorrelation between declination and parallax [-1,+1]REAL
dec_pmdec_corrCorrelation between declination and proper motion in declination [-1,+1]REAL
dec_pmra_corrCorrelation between declination and proper motion in right ascension [-1,+1]REAL
dec_pseudocolour_corrCorrelation between declination and pseudocolour [-1,+1]REAL
designationUnique source designation (unique across all Data Releases)CHAR
distance_gspphotDistance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Length & Distance[pc])REAL
distance_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Length & Distance[pc])REAL
distance_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of distance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Length & Distance[pc])REAL
duplicated_sourceSource with multiple source identifiersSMALLINT
ebpminrp_gspphotReddening E(G_BP - G_RP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
ebpminrp_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of reddening E(G_BP - G_RP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
ebpminrp_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of reddening E(G_BP - G_RP) from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Magnitude[mag])REAL
ecl_latEcliptic latitude Angle[deg]DOUBLE
ecl_lonEcliptic longitude Angle[deg]DOUBLE
g_rpG - RP colour Magnitude[mag]REAL
grvs_magIntegrated Grvs magnitude (Magnitude[mag])REAL
grvs_mag_errorGrvs magnitude uncertainty (Magnitude[mag])REAL
grvs_mag_nb_transitsNumber of transits used to compute GrvsSMALLINT
has_epoch_photometryFlag indicating the availability of epoch photometry for this sourceCHAR
has_epoch_rvFlag indicating the availability of epoch radial velocity for this sourceCHAR
has_mcmc_gspphotFlag indicating the availability of GSP-Phot MCMC samples for this sourceCHAR
has_mcmc_mscFlag indicating the availability of MSC MCMC samples for this sourceCHAR
has_rvsFlag indicating the availability of mean RVS spectrum for this sourceCHAR
has_xp_continuousFlag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in continuous representation for this sourceCHAR
has_xp_sampledFlag indicating the availability of mean BP/RP spectrum in sampled form for this sourceCHAR
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
in_andromeda_surveyFlag indicating that the source is present in the Gaia Andromeda Photometric Survey (GAPS)CHAR
in_galaxy_candidatesFlag indicating the availability of additional information in the galaxy_candidates tableCHAR
in_qso_candidatesFlag indicating the availability of additional information in the qso_candidates tableCHAR
ipd_frac_multi_peakPercent of successful-IPD windows with more than one peakSMALLINT
ipd_frac_odd_winPercent of transits with truncated windows or multiple gateSMALLINT
ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitudeAmplitude of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scanREAL
ipd_gof_harmonic_phasePhase of the IPD GoF versus position angle of scan Angle[deg]REAL
lGalactic longitude Angle[deg]DOUBLE
libname_gspphotName of library that achieves the highest mean log-posterior in MCMC samples and was used to derive GSP-Phot parameters in this tableCHAR
logg_gspphotSurface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectraREAL
logg_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (GravitySurface[log cgs])REAL
logg_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of surface gravity from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (GravitySurface[log cgs])REAL
matched_transitsThe number of transits matched to this sourceSMALLINT
matched_transits_removedThe number of transits removed from an existing source in the current cycleSMALLINT
mh_gspphotIron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Abundances[dex])REAL
mh_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Abundances[dex])REAL
mh_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of iron abundance from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Abundances[dex])REAL
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
new_matched_transitsThe number of transits newly incorporated into an existing source in the current cycleSMALLINT
non_single_starFlag indicating the availability of additional information in the various Non-Single Star tablesSMALLINT
nu_eff_used_in_astrometryEffective wavenumber of the source used in the astrometric solution Misc[μm-1]REAL
parallaxParallax Angle[mas]DOUBLE
parallax_errorStandard error of Parallax Angle[mas]REAL
parallax_over_errorStandard error of parallax Angle[mas]REAL
parallax_pmdec_corrCorrelation between parallax and proper motion in declination [-1,+1]REAL
parallax_pmra_corrCorrelation between parallax and proper motion in right ascension [-1,+1]REAL
parallax_pseudocolour_corrCorrelation between parallax and pseudocolour [-1,+1]REAL
phot_bp_mean_fluxIntegrated BP mean flux Flux[e-/s]DOUBLE
phot_bp_mean_flux_errorError on the integrated BP mean flux Flux[e-/s]REAL
phot_bp_mean_flux_over_errorIntegrated BP mean flux divided by its errorREAL
phot_bp_mean_magIntegrated BP mean magnitude Magnitude[mag]REAL
phot_bp_n_blended_transitsNumber of BP blended transitsSMALLINT
phot_bp_n_contaminated_transitsNumber of BP contaminated transitsSMALLINT
phot_bp_n_obsNumber of observations contributing to BP photometrySMALLINT
phot_bp_rp_excess_factorBP/RP excess factorREAL
phot_g_mean_fluxG-band mean flux Flux[e-/s]DOUBLE
phot_g_mean_flux_errorError on G-band mean flux Flux[e-/s]REAL
phot_g_mean_flux_over_errorG-band mean flux divided by its errorREAL
phot_g_mean_magG-band mean magnitude Magnitude[mag]REAL
phot_g_n_obsNumber of observations contributing to G photometrySMALLINT
phot_proc_modePhotometry processing modeSMALLINT
phot_rp_mean_fluxIntegrated RP mean flux Flux[e-/s]DOUBLE
phot_rp_mean_flux_errorError on the integrated RP mean flux Flux[e-/s]REAL
phot_rp_mean_flux_over_errorIntegrated RP mean flux divided by its errorREAL
phot_rp_mean_magIntegrated RP mean magnitude Magnitude[mag]REAL
phot_rp_n_blended_transitsNumber of RP blended transitsSMALLINT
phot_rp_n_contaminated_transitsNumber of RP contaminated transitsSMALLINT
phot_rp_n_obsNumber of observations contributing to RP photometrySMALLINT
phot_variable_flagPhotometric variability flagCHAR
pmTotal proper motion Angular Velocity[mas/year]REAL
pmdecProper motion in declination direction Angular Velocity[mas/year]DOUBLE
pmdec_errorStandard error of proper motion in declination direction Angular Velocity[mas/year]REAL
pmdec_pseudocolour_corrCorrelation between proper motion in declination and pseudocolour [-1,+1]REAL
pmraProper motion in right ascension direction Angular Velocity[mas/year]DOUBLE
pmra_errorStandard error of proper motion in right ascension direction Angular Velocity[mas/year]REAL
pmra_pmdec_corrCorrelation between proper motion in right ascension and proper motion in declination [-1,+1]REAL
pmra_pseudocolour_corrCorrelation between proper motion in right asension and pseudocolour [-1,+1]REAL
pseudocolourAstrometrically estimated pseudocolour of the source Misc[μm-1]REAL
pseudocolour_errorStandard error of the pseudocolour of the source Misc[μm-1]REAL
raBarycentric right ascension α of the source in ICRS at the reference epoch ref_epochDOUBLE
ra_dec_corrCorrelation between right ascension and declination [-1,+1]REAL
ra_errorStandard error of the right ascension of the source in ICRS at the reference epoch ref_epoch.REAL
ra_parallax_corrCorrelation between right ascension and parallax [-1,+1]REAL
ra_pmdec_corrCorrelation between right ascension and proper motion in declination [-1,+1]REAL
ra_pmra_corrCorrelation between right ascension and proper motion in right ascension [-1,+1]REAL
ra_pseudocolour_corrCorrelation between right ascension and pseudocolour [-1,+1]REAL
radial_velocityRadial velocity [km/s]REAL
radial_velocity_errorRadial velocity error [km/s]REAL
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique)REAL
random_indexRandom index used to select subsetsINTEGER
ref_epochReference epoch Time[Julian Years]DOUBLE
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
ruweRenormalised unit weight errorREAL
rv_amplitude_robustTotal amplitude in the radial velocity time series after outlier removal (Velocity[km/s])REAL
rv_atm_param_originOrigin of the atmospheric parameters associated to the templateSMALLINT
rv_chisq_pvalueP-value for constancy based on a chi-squared criterionREAL
rv_expected_sig_to_noiseExpected signal to noise ratio in the combination of the spectra used to obtain the radial velocityREAL
rv_method_usedMethod used to obtain the radial velocitySMALLINT
rv_nb_deblended_transitsNumber of valid transits that have undergone deblendingSMALLINT
rv_nb_transitsNumber of transits used to compute radial velocitySMALLINT
rv_renormalised_gofRadial velocity renormalised goodness of fitREAL
rv_template_fe_hFe/H of the template used to compute radial velocity [dex]REAL
rv_template_logglogg of the template used to compute radial velocity (GravitySurface[log cgs])REAL
rv_template_teffTeff of the template used to compute the radial velocity (Temperature[K])REAL
rv_time_durationTime coverage of the radial velocity time series (Time[day])REAL
rv_visibility_periods_usedNumber of visibility periods used to estimate the radial velocitySMALLINT
rvs_spec_sig_to_noiseSignal to noise ratio in the mean RVS spectrumREAL
scan_direction_mean_k1Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_mean_k2Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_mean_k3Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_mean_k4Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k1Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k2Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k3Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k4Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
solution_idSolution Identifier. To decode a given solution ID visit
source_idUnique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release)BIGINT
teff_gspphotEffective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Temperature[K])REAL
teff_gspphot_lowerLower confidence level (16%) of effective temperature from GSP- Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Temperature[K])REAL
teff_gspphot_upperUpper confidence level (84%) of effective temperature from GSP-Phot Aeneas best library using BP/RP spectra (Temperature[K])REAL
vbroadSpectral line broadening parameter (Velocity[km/s] )REAL
vbroad_errorUncertainty on the spectral line broadening (Velocity[km/s] )REAL
vbroad_nb_transitsNumber of transits used to compute vbroadSMALLINT
visibility_periods_usedNumber of visibility periods used in Astrometric solutionSMALLINT