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Table: gnirs_dqs.obs_log
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
bal | Broad Absorption Line quasar. 0=False. 1=True. | SMALLINT |
com | Additional comment code. 1 = At least one exposure did not meet our observation condition requirements. 2 = Observation failed to provide spectrum of the source due to bad weather, instrument artifacts, or other technical difficulties during the observation. | SMALLINT |
dec | Declination in degrees | DOUBLE |
elat | Ecliptic latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic longitude | DOUBLE |
glat | Galactic latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude | DOUBLE |
hmag | SDSS H band magnitude | REAL |
htm9 | HTM Level-9 index | INTEGER |
jmag | SDSS J band magnitude | REAL |
kmag | SDSS Ks band magnitude | REAL |
nest4096 | Healpix ID with nside 4096, nested schema | INTEGER |
netexp | Net exposure time | SMALLINT |
obj | SDSS object designation | VARCHAR |
obsdate | Observation date; YYYY MMM DD | VARCHAR |
ra | Right ascension in degrees | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0 to 100 (decimal) | REAL |
ring256 | Healpix ID with nside 256, ring schema | INTEGER |
rl | Radio-Loud quasar. 0=False. 1=True. | SMALLINT |
semester | Semester of observation | VARCHAR |
zsdss | SDSS spectroscopic redshift | REAL |