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Table: ivoa_decaps_dr1.siav2
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
access_estsize | Estimated size of dataset in kilo bytes | INTEGER |
access_format | File content format | CHAR |
access_url | URL used to access (download) dataset | CHAR |
calib_level | Calibration level {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} | INTEGER |
ccdnum | Detector (mosaic) CCD number | INTEGER |
collection | Name of the data collection | CHAR |
creationtype | Nature or genre of the content | CHAR |
creator | Name of the creator of the data | CHAR |
datalength | Total Number of pixels | INTEGER |
dec1 | Lower-left Dec (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
dec2 | Lower-right Dec (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
dec3 | Upper-right Dec (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
dec4 | Upper-left Dec (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
el_length | Number of total pixels | INTEGER |
el_naxes | Number of axes | INTEGER |
el_naxis1 | Length of axis 1 | INTEGER |
el_naxis2 | Length of axis 2 | INTEGER |
el_pixtype | Pixel type | CHAR |
el_size | Size of each pixel | INTEGER |
extname | MEF Extension Name | CHAR |
fileref | Archive file reference | CHAR |
filter | Filter name (short form) | CHAR |
fluxaxis_ucd | UCD of Flux axis | CHAR |
fluxaxis_unit | Units of Flux axis | CHAR |
naxes | Number of image axes | INTEGER |
naxis1 | Length of first image axis | INTEGER |
naxis2 | Length of second image axis | INTEGER |
nsubarrays | Number of sub-arrays | INTEGER |
obs_collection | Data collection to which dataset belongs | CHAR |
obs_id | Free syntax Observation Identifier | CHAR |
obs_pub_did | Dataset identifier given by the publisher | CHAR |
photflag | Photometric quality flag | INTEGER |
pix_res1 | Pixel resolution of axis 1 | DOUBLE |
pix_res2 | Pixel resolution of axis 2 | DOUBLE |
pixtype | pixel type | CHAR |
plver | Pipeline version | CHAR |
proctype | Processing type | CHAR |
prodtype | Product type (image, dqmask, expmap, etc) | CHAR |
pubdid | Dataset identifier given by the publisher | CHAR |
ra1 | Lower-left RA (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
ra2 | Lower-right RA (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
ra3 | Upper-right RA (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
ra4 | Upper-left RA (ICRS) position of image | DOUBLE |
spat_hilimit1 | Upper limit of spatial axis 1 | DOUBLE |
spat_hilimit2 | Upper limit of spatial axis 2 | DOUBLE |
spat_loc1 | Spatial position along axis 1 | DOUBLE |
spat_loc2 | Spatial position along axis 2 | DOUBLE |
spat_lolimit1 | Lower limit of spatial axis 1 | DOUBLE |
spat_lolimit2 | Lower limit of spatial axis 2 | DOUBLE |
spat_res1 | Spatial resolution of axis 1 | DOUBLE |
spat_res2 | Spatial resolution of axis 2 | DOUBLE |
spec_location | Central location along spectral axis | DOUBLE |
spec_res | Spectral resolution | DOUBLE |
spec_respower | Value of the resolving power along the spectral axis. (R) | DOUBLE |
spec_start | Start location along spectral axis | DOUBLE |
spec_stop | End location along spectral axis | DOUBLE |
time_location | Central location along time axis | CHAR |
time_start | Start location along time axis | DOUBLE |
time_stop | End location along time axis | DOUBLE |
title | Brief description of dataset in free format | CHAR |
wcsaxes1 | WCS project along axis 1 | CHAR |
wcsaxes2 | WCS project along axis 2 | CHAR |