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Table: ivoa_gogreen_dr1.obscore
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
access_estsize | Estimated size of dataset in kilo bytes | INTEGER |
access_format | File content format | CHAR |
access_url | URL used to access (download) dataset | CHAR |
calib_level | Calibration level {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} | INTEGER |
em_max | End in spectral coordinates | DOUBLE |
em_min | Start in spectral coordinates | DOUBLE |
em_res_power | Value of the resolving power along the spectral axis. (R) | DOUBLE |
em_xel | Number of elements along the spectral axis | BIGINT |
facility_name | Name of the facility used for this observation | CHAR |
instrument_name | Name of the instrument used for this observation | CHAR |
o_ucd | Nature of the observable axis | CHAR |
obs_collection | Data collection to which dataset belongs | CHAR |
obs_id | Free syntax Observation Identifier | CHAR |
obs_pub_did | Dataset identifier given by the publisher | CHAR |
pol_states | List of polarization states present in the data file | CHAR |
pol_xel | Number of elements along the polarization axis | BIGINT |
product_type | Logical data product type (image etc.) | CHAR |
s_dec | Central Spatial Position in ICRS Declination | DOUBLE |
s_fov | Estimated size of the covered region as the diameter of a containing circle | DOUBLE |
s_ra | Central Spatial Position in ICRS Right ascension | DOUBLE |
s_region | Sky region covered by the data product (expressed in ICRS frame) | CHAR |
s_resolution | Spatial resolution of data as FWHM of PSF | DOUBLE |
s_xel1 | Number of elements along the first coordinate of the spatial axis | BIGINT |
s_xel2 | Number of elements along the second coordinate of the spatial axis | BIGINT |
t_exptime | Total exposure time | DOUBLE |
t_max | End time in MJD | DOUBLE |
t_min | Start time in MJD | DOUBLE |
t_resolution | Temporal resolution FWHM | DOUBLE |
t_xel | Number of elements along the time axis | BIGINT |
target_name | Object of interest | CHAR |