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Table: ls_dr8.bricks_n
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
brickname | Name of brick, encoding the brick sky position, e.g. 1126p222 near RA=112.6, Dec=+22.2 | VARCHAR |
dec | Declination at epoch J2000 | DOUBLE |
ebv | Median SFD dust map E(B-V) extinction, in magnitudes, evaluated at BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick | REAL |
ext_g | Extinction in g-band | REAL |
ext_r | Extinction in r-band | REAL |
ext_w1 | Extinction in W1-band | REAL |
ext_w2 | Extinction in W2-band | REAL |
ext_w3 | Extinction in W3-band | REAL |
ext_w4 | Extinction in W4-band | REAL |
ext_z | Extinction in z-band | REAL |
galdepth_g | 5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcsec round exp) detection depth in g-band (AB) mag | REAL |
galdepth_r | 5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcsec round exp) detection depth in r-band (AB) mag | REAL |
galdepth_z | 5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcsec round exp) detection depth in z-band (AB) mag | REAL |
ncomp | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of COMP types | SMALLINT |
ndev | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of DEV types | SMALLINT |
nexp | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of EXP types | SMALLINT |
nexp_g | Median number of exposures in the unique are (i.e. BRICK_PRIMARY area) of the brick in the g-band | SMALLINT |
nexp_r | Median number of exposures in the unique are (i.e. BRICK_PRIMARY area) of the brick in the r-band | SMALLINT |
nexp_z | Median number of exposures in the unique are (i.e. BRICK_PRIMARY area) of the brick in the z-band | SMALLINT |
nexphist_g_1 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in g | INTEGER |
nexphist_g_2 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or > 5 exposures in g | INTEGER |
nexphist_g_3 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in g | INTEGER |
nexphist_g_4 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in g | INTEGER |
nexphist_g_5 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in g | INTEGER |
nexphist_g_6 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in g | INTEGER |
nexphist_r_1 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in r | INTEGER |
nexphist_r_2 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in r | INTEGER |
nexphist_r_3 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in r | INTEGER |
nexphist_r_4 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in r | INTEGER |
nexphist_r_5 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in r | INTEGER |
nexphist_r_6 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in r | INTEGER |
nexphist_z_1 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in z | INTEGER |
nexphist_z_2 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in z | INTEGER |
nexphist_z_3 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in z | INTEGER |
nexphist_z_4 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in z | INTEGER |
nexphist_z_5 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in z | INTEGER |
nexphist_z_6 | Histogram of number of pixels in the unique brick area with 0,1,2,3,4 or 5 exposures in z | INTEGER |
nobjs | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of all types | SMALLINT |
npsf | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of PSF types | SMALLINT |
nrex | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick, of type REX | SMALLINT |
nsimp | Total number of BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick of SIMP types | SMALLINT |
psfdepth_g | 5-sigma PSF detection depth in g-band (AB mag), using PsfEx PSF model | REAL |
psfdepth_r | 5-sigma PSF detection depth in r-band (AB mag), using PsfEx PSF model | REAL |
psfdepth_z | 5-sigma PSF detection depth in r-band (AB mag), using PsfEx PSF model | REAL |
psfsize_g | Median PSF size, in arcsec, evaluated at the BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick in g-band | REAL |
psfsize_r | Median PSF size, in arcsec, evaluated at the BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick in r-band | REAL |
psfsize_z | Median PSF size, in arcsec, evaluated at the BRICK_UNIQUE objects in this brick in z-band | REAL |
ra | Right ascension at epoch J2000 | DOUBLE |
trans_g | Median Milky Way dust transparency in g-band, based on ebv. See also DECAM_MW_TRANSMISSION | REAL |
trans_r | Median Milky Way dust transparency in r-band, based on ebv. See also DECAM_MW_TRANSMISSION | REAL |
trans_wise_1 | Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1 | REAL |
trans_wise_2 | Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1 | REAL |
trans_wise_3 | Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1 | REAL |
trans_wise_4 | Median Milky Way dust transparency in WISE bands, based on ebv. See also, e.g., MW_TRANSMISSION_W1 | REAL |
trans_z | Median Milky Way dust transparency in z-band, based on ebv. See also DECAM_MW_TRANSMISSION | REAL |
wise_nobs_1 | Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted) | SMALLINT |
wise_nobs_2 | Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted) | SMALLINT |
wise_nobs_3 | Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted) | SMALLINT |
wise_nobs_4 | Number of images that contributed to WISE calculations in each filter (not profile-weighted) | SMALLINT |