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Table: ls_dr8.survey_ccds_kd_s
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
airmass | float32 Airmass of observation (measured at the telescope bore-sight) | REAL |
camera | The camera that took this image e.g. "90prime" | VARCHAR |
ccd_cuts | (ignore) | INTEGER |
ccddecoff | Median astrometric offset for the CCD | REAL |
ccddecrms | rms in astrometric offset for the CCD | REAL |
ccdname | char[5] CCD name, e.g. "N10", "S7" for DECam | VARCHAR |
ccdnastrom | Number of stars (after sigma-clipping) used to compute astrometric correction | SMALLINT |
ccdnphotom | Number of Gaia plus PS1 stars detected with signal-to-noise ratio greater than five | SMALLINT |
ccdphrms | Photometric rms for the CCD (in mag) | REAL |
ccdraoff | Median astrometric offset for the CCD | REAL |
ccdrarms | rms in astrometric offset for the CCD | REAL |
ccdskycounts | Mean sky count level per pixel in the CP-processed frames measured (with iterative rejection) for each CCD in the image section [500:1500,1500:2500] | REAL |
ccdskysb | Sky surface brightness (in AB mag/arcsec2) | REAL |
ccdzpt | Zeropoint for the CCD (AB mag) | REAL |
cd1_1 | Astrometric header value: transformation matrix | REAL |
cd1_2 | Astrometric header value: transformation matrix | REAL |
cd2_1 | Astrometric header value: transformation matrix | REAL |
cd2_2 | Astrometric header value: transformation matrix | REAL |
crpix1 | Astrometric header value: X reference pixel | REAL |
crpix2 | Astrometric header value: Y reference pixel | REAL |
crval1 | Astrometric header value: RA of reference pixel | DOUBLE |
crval2 | Astrometric header value: Dec of reference pixel | DOUBLE |
dec | Approximate Dec center of this CCD (deg) | DOUBLE |
dec_bore | Telescope boresight Dec of this exposure (deg) | DOUBLE |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
expnum | Exposure number, eg 348224 | BIGINT |
exptime | float32 Exposure time in seconds, eg 30 | REAL |
filter | Filter used for observation, eg "g ", "r", "z" | CHAR |
fwhm | FWHM (in pixels) measured by the CP | REAL |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
height | Height in pixels of this image, eg 4096 | SMALLINT |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
image_filename | Path to FITS image, e.g. "north/DECam_CP/CP20170729/c4d_170730_045351_ooi_g_v1.fits.fz" | VARCHAR |
image_hdu | FITS HDU number in the image_filename file where this image can be found | SMALLINT |
mjd_obs | float64 Date of observation in MJD (in UTC system), eg 56884.99373389 | DOUBLE |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest schem => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
object | Name listed in the object tag from the CCD header | VARCHAR |
plprocid | Unique, time-based, CP processing hash - see the plprocid page for how to convert this to a date | VARCHAR |
plver | Community Pipeline (CP) version number | VARCHAR |
procdate | CP processing date | VARCHAR |
propid | NOAO Proposal ID that took this image, eg "2014B-0404" | VARCHAR |
ra | Approximate RA center of this CCD (deg) | DOUBLE |
ra_bore | float64 Telescope boresight RA of this exposure (deg) | DOUBLE |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256 => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
sig1 | Median per-pixel error standard deviation, in nanomaggies | REAL |
skyrms | Sky rms for the entire image (in counts) | REAL |
width | Width in pixels of this image, eg 2046 | SMALLINT |
yshift | (ignore; it is always False) | SMALLINT |
zpt | Median zero point for the entire image (median of all CCDs of the image), eg 25.0927 | REAL |