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Table: ls_dr9.forced
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
apflux_1Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 0.5 arcsecREAL
apflux_2Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 0.75 arcsecREAL
apflux_3Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 1.0 arcsecREAL
apflux_4Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 1.5 arcsecREAL
apflux_5Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 2.0 arcsecREAL
apflux_6Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 3.5 arcsecREAL
apflux_7Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 5.0 arcsecREAL
apflux_8Aperture fluxes in this CCD, in nanomaggies, for aperture radius 7.0 arcsecREAL
apflux_ivar_1Inverse-variance on apflux for aperture radius 0.5, in 1/nanomaggies^2REAL
apflux_ivar_2Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 0.75, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
apflux_ivar_3Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 1.0, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
apflux_ivar_4Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 1.5, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
apflux_ivar_5Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 2.0, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
apflux_ivar_6Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 3.5, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
apflux_ivar_7Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 5.0, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
apflux_ivar_8Inverse-variance on apflux for radius 7.0, in 1/nanomaggiesREAL
ccddecrmsDec rms in astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdphrmsMedian photometric rms across all CCDs in the image (in mag)REAL
ccdrarmsRA rms in astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdzptZeropoint for the CCD (AB mag)REAL
ddecMotion of the source in the Dec direction, in arcsecREAL
ddec_ivarInverse-variance on ddec, in 1/arcsec sup2REAL
dqmaskData Quality mask from the CP pipeline for the center pixel (defined as for ALLMASK/ANYMASK on
draWhen fitting for spatial derivatives, the motion of the source in the RA direction, in arcsecREAL
dra_ivarInverse-variance on dra, in 1/arcsec sup2REAL
fluxMeasured flux for this catalog object in this CCD, in nanomaggiesREAL
flux_ivarInverse-variance of the flux measurement, in 1/nanomaggies^2REAL
fracfluxProfile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources over total fluxREAL
fracinFraction of a sources flux within the blobREAL
fracmaskedProfile-weighted fraction of pixels maskedREAL
fwhmCCD FWHM (in pixels) measured by the CPREAL
ls_ccd_idUnique CCD idBIGINT
ls_idUnique LS object IDBIGINT
rchisqProfile-weighted chi^2 residual chi-squared per pixelREAL
skyrmsSky rms for the entire image (in counts/second)REAL
xHorizontal pixel position of the catalog source in this CCD, in zero-indexed pixelsREAL
yVertical pixel position of the catalog source in this CCD, in zero-indexed pixelsREAL