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Table: nsc_dr1.object
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
asemi | Mean profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
asemierr | Uncertainty in mean RMS along major axis | REAL |
bsemi | Mean profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
bsemierr | Uncertainty in mean RMS along minor axis | REAL |
class_star | Star/Galaxy classifier | REAL |
dec | Declination (J2000.0) of object, in degrees | DOUBLE |
decerr | Uncertainty in DEC | DOUBLE |
deltamjd | Range of Modified Julian Date | REAL |
ebv | SFD E(B-V) reddening | REAL |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
ellipticity | Object ellipticity, 1 - BSEMI/ASEMI | REAL |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
flags | OR-combined SExtractor FLAG value | SMALLINT |
fwhm | FWHM assuming a gaussian core, in arcseconds | REAL |
g_r | Computed (g-r) color | REAL |
gasemi | g-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
gbsemi | g-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
gerr | Uncertainty in mean g-band magnitude | REAL |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
gmag | Weighted-average g-band magnitude | REAL |
grms | RMS scatter in g from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
gtheta | g-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
i_z | Computed (i-z) color | REAL |
iasemi | i-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
ibsemi | i-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
id | Unique object ID | CHAR |
ierr | Uncertainty in mean i-band magnitude | REAL |
imag | Weighted-average i-band magnitude | REAL |
irms | RMS scatter in i from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
itheta | i-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
mjd | Mean Modified Julian Date | DOUBLE |
ndet | Number of detections in all bands | INTEGER |
ndetg | Number of detections in g | SMALLINT |
ndeti | Number of detections in i | SMALLINT |
ndetr | Number of detections in r | SMALLINT |
ndetu | Number of detections in u | SMALLINT |
ndetvr | Number of detections in VR | SMALLINT |
ndety | Number of detections in Y | SMALLINT |
ndetz | Number of detections in z | SMALLINT |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
nphot | Number of photometric detections in all bands | INTEGER |
nphotg | Number of photometric detections in g | SMALLINT |
nphoti | Number of photometric detections in i | SMALLINT |
nphotr | Number of photometric detections in r | SMALLINT |
nphotu | Number of photometric detections in u | SMALLINT |
nphotvr | Number of photometric detections in VR | SMALLINT |
nphoty | Number of photometric detections in Y | SMALLINT |
nphotz | Number of photometric detections in z | SMALLINT |
pix | Healpix nside=128 pixel number | INTEGER |
pmdec | Proper motion in DEC | DOUBLE |
pmdecerr | Uncertainty in PMDEC | DOUBLE |
pmra | Proper motion in RA*cos(DEC) | DOUBLE |
pmraerr | Uncertainty in PMRA | DOUBLE |
r_i | Computed (r-i) color | REAL |
ra | Right ascension (J2000.0) of object, in degrees | DOUBLE |
raerr | Uncertainty of RA | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
rasemi | r-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
rbsemi | r-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
rerr | Uncertainty in mean r-band magnitude | REAL |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
rmag | Weighted-average r-band magnitude | REAL |
rrms | RMS scatter in r from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
rtheta | r-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
theta | Position angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
thetaerr | Uncertainty in THETA | REAL |
u_g | Computed (u-g) color | REAL |
uasemi | u-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
ubsemi | u-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
uerr | Uncertainty in mean u-band magnitude | REAL |
umag | Weighted-average u-band magnitude | REAL |
urms | RMS scatter in u from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
utheta | u-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
vrasemi | VR-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
vrbsemi | VR-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
vrerr | Uncertainty in mean VR-band magnitude | REAL |
vrmag | Weighted-average VR-band magnitude | REAL |
vrrms | RMS scatter in VR from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
vrtheta | VR-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
x2 | Mean variance (second moment) along RA | REAL |
x2err | Uncertainty in mean variance along RA | REAL |
xy | Mean covariance between RA and DEC | REAL |
xyerr | Uncertainty in mean covariance between RA and DEC | REAL |
y2 | Mean variance (second moment) along DEC | REAL |
y2err | Uncertainty in mean variance along DEC | REAL |
yasemi | Y-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
ybsemi | Y-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
yerr | Uncertainty in mean Y-band magnitude | REAL |
ymag | Weighted-average Y-band magnitude | REAL |
yrms | RMS scatter in Y from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
ytheta | Y-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |
z_y | Computed (z-Y) color | REAL |
zasemi | z-band profile RMS along major axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
zbsemi | z-band profile RMS along minor axis, in arcseconds | REAL |
zerr | Uncertainty in mean z-band magnitude | REAL |
zmag | Weighted-average z-band magnitude | REAL |
zrms | RMS scatter in z from multiple measurements of this object | REAL |
ztheta | z-band position-angle measured CCW East of North, in degrees | REAL |