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Table: nsc_dr2.chip
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
airmass | Airmass | REAL |
ccdnum | CCD number | SMALLINT |
dateobs | Observation timestamp. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSS | CHAR |
dec | Declination at center of chip, in degrees | DOUBLE |
dec_coef1 | DEC correction term 1: constant offset term | DOUBLE |
dec_coef2 | DEC correction term 2: delta_RA linear term | DOUBLE |
dec_coef3 | DEC correction term 3: delta_RA x delta_DEC cross term | DOUBLE |
dec_coef4 | DEC correction term 4: delta_DEC linear term | DOUBLE |
decrms | RMS in WCS fit for DEC with respect to Gaia reference stars | REAL |
decstderr | Standard error of WCS fit for DEC with respect to Gaia reference stars | REAL |
depth10sig | 10 sigma magnitude depth | REAL |
depth95 | 95th percentile magnitude depth | REAL |
ebv | Median SFD E(B-V) of sources in this chip | REAL |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
expnum | Exposure number | INTEGER |
exposure | Exposure name | CHAR |
exptime | Exposure time, in seconds | REAL |
filter | Filter (u, g, r, i, z, Y, VR) | CHAR |
fwhm | Median FWHM of PSF (i.e. seeing) of chip, in arcseconds | REAL |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
htm9 | Ninth level (~10 arcmin resolution) Hierarchical Triangular Mesh index (Szalay et al. 2007) | INTEGER |
instrument | Instrument name (c4d, k4m, ksb) | CHAR |
mjd | Observation Modified Julian Date | DOUBLE |
nest4096 | Nested-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with NSIDE=4096 (~1 arcmin resolution) | INTEGER |
ngaiamatch | Number of Gaia astrometric reference sources matched | INTEGER |
nmeas | Number of good measurements in this chip | INTEGER |
nrefmatch | Number of photometric reference sources matched for chip | INTEGER |
ra | Right ascension at center of chip, in degrees | DOUBLE |
ra_coef1 | RA correction term 1: constant offset term | DOUBLE |
ra_coef2 | RA correction term 2: delta_RA linear term | DOUBLE |
ra_coef3 | RA correction term 3: delta_RA x delta_DEC cross term | DOUBLE |
ra_coef4 | RA correction term 4: delta_DEC linear term | DOUBLE |
rarms | RMS in WCS fit for RA with respect to Gaia reference stars | REAL |
rastderr | Standard error of WCS fit for RA with respect to Gaia reference stars | REAL |
ring256 | Ring-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with NSIDE=256 (~14 arcmin resolution) | INTEGER |
vertex_dec1 | First DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_dec2 | Second DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_dec3 | Third DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_dec4 | Fourth DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra1 | First RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra2 | Second RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra3 | Third RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra4 | Fourth RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
zpterm | Chip-level zero-point offset used to estimate spatial variation of zeropoint | REAL |
zptermerr | Uncertainty of CHIPZPTERM | REAL |