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Table: pgir_dr1.exposures
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmassAirmass value of exposureREAL
color_termColor term to correct for J-H colorREAL
color_uncUncertainty in J-H color termREAL
exptimeTotal exposure time in secondsREAL
filenameFile name of imageVARCHAR
limmagAveraged 5-sigma limiting magnitude of imageREAL
msideEast or West, side of meridian of exposureCHAR
nightidNight ID number of exposureINTEGER
numnoisepixelsEffective footprint of PSF in number of pixelsREAL
obsjdJulian date of exposure startREAL
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
saturmagSaturation magnitude for exposureREAL
stackquadidExposure identificationINTEGER
zpZero point magnitude of exposureREAL
zp_stdZero point RMSREAL
zp_uncZero point uncertaintyREAL